Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh91 - Xiao Jing ya: I fucking gave birth prematurely!!!


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Translator's Note

the term for someone being cheated on in Chinese is to be forced to wear a green hat, so that’s why Lu Hang is giving XTJ one

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  1. Omg Huanhuan’s “I fucking gave birth prematurely” is gold~ here comes Xiang Gege to see the child~ rip Imortal Mengmeng

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. 😌 This is a bond that cannot be severed, mengmeng!

    • LOLOLOL huanhuan withdrawing his message. thats so fucking funny i cant wait for him to finally just unleash his true personality ingame T_T

  3. i am glad huanhuan is just going along and accept his feeling after he realized he fell for xhz instead of denying it! really looking forward the next chapter!

  4. Well, Immortal Mengmeng will be a stupid death seeker…. And shameless as ever telling her to divorce Xiang just so she could run after him lolz

  5. Hahahaha. Xiang Huaizhi is hurrying to confort his wife and Child, What a great man!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. “I fucking gave birth prematurely!” Oops bad word -deleted-


    Papa XHZ who was sleepy before suddenly in a hurry loool Tho he was woken up by someone who was why am I still acting? But then proceed to act even further lmao

    Your baby is coming!!

    Thank you for the chapter 💕

  7. So…boys don’t feel cool about giving birth prematurely? Are they like… comparing it to finishing prematurely? Lolz!

    I just think the point Huan Huan chose to panic about is hilarious.

    Thank you for the update!

  8. jing huan trolling meng meng 10/10

    😂— meanwhile: *papa Xiang rushing to meet his baby*


  9. i love xhz reaction after hearing about the premature birth of his child 🤣 thanks so much for this chapter!

  10. Mengmeng is such a sore looser. Really girl, go work on your RL (that by your own admission is not going well) and leave people online to their own devices. I promise, it’ll be more satisfying.

  11. THE BABY HAS ARRIVED!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Poor Lu Hang hasn’t realized who his bro’s bf is lmao, the green xmas hat as genius though!!! 😂😂

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖