Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh90 - Jing Huan felt like… It seemed that he had been bent


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Translator's Note

scheme where man and woman are about to sleep together, but then a guy bursts in pretending to be the woman’s husband and demands money to keep it out of the courts, also known as a Badger game

An extortion technique by tricking someone into a vulnerable position to be blackmailed.

Translator's Note

the implication here is that it’s porn.

Translator's Note

Really, XHZ says “he”

Translator's Note


Translator's Note


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  1. sees link to fic yessss my precioussss~

    Vinegar, vinegar~

    Lol, when will Huanhuan’s friends ever figure it out???

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. All in all he handled the realization of his feelings pretty well 😌

    I’m also like 95% sure this girl is I mmortal MengMeng from their game server. That was her name right?

    *evil laughter* let’s start this train 😏

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  3. finally!!now I hope he doesn’t try to run and accept it like XHZ but that might be hoping for too much. Thanks for the chapter.

  4. Catfisher Huanhuan doesn’t want to represent 😂

    He keeps remembering the TWO KISSES 🤭

    And tried to watch some video👌 (i wonder if he asked for bgav or gav?)

    Yeeeessssssss! Huanhuan is past the denial stage! Can’t wait for the upcoming dogfood 🤩

    Thank you for translating 💕

  5. finally!!!!

    huanhuan is admitting that he likes xhz T.T

    btw that scene with the girl… huanhuan is very much the jealous wife who caught his husband talking with another person :’)

    also.. xiao xiangjing.. awww

  6. Well, he has admitted his feelings now, but I Wonder If he’ll admit his True intentions at the beginning.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. All the girls are coming for his husband. Huanhuan won’t tolerate it lol Tho he just took a while to realize his feeling

    Thank you for the chapter 💕

  8. YAAYY he finally realised it!!!

    It can only go uphill from here, ba!

    So excited for future chapters!!

  9. Awww feelings have finally been realized.

  10. ‘Ah… I actually like the slow pace. It doesnt feel unnatural – since initially it all started because of a joke an apparently straight guy played on another straight guy. And then… they fell in love despite the genders. Its a beautiful story, and I like how tolerant they are towards each other – only worrying about “wait am I gay” and accepting that the other one is apparently gay. .. haha.. a beautiful misunderstanding. <3

  11. I just automatically smirk at the chapter’s name

    Thank you for the chapter!

  12. Ooohhj i loved the fanfic ❤ ( but i was so glad the author didnt end it just like that, cuz i realized how rushed it was, the author was a genius with this novel…)

  13. this Mengjia is truly shameless asking a person’s wechat thru other people. If the person refused to give it to you don’t ask other people for it. And whoever gave HuanHuan’s wechat to her shame on you, respect other people’s privacy please.

  14. huanhuan ate so much vinegar this chapter honestly i am SCREAMING!!!!1111

    thankyou for your hard work with tling this chapter~~~~

  15. He confirmed his feelings!!

    Its cute that he was jealous and possessive.

    Thanks for the chapter

  16. From being confused to eating vinegar to admitting that you’re his girlfriend. Great Job!!

  17. If somebody rejects you deal with it, it’s not gonna change their answer you harassing them. Especially if they already say they have a girlfriend even if you have heard that it isn’t true it doesn’t mean that others know the truth. Annoyed~ (c _ c)

  18. Yearning For had already appeared at their house and was standing by the servant. It looked like they were having a conversation. >“What are you doing?” Asked Jing Huan.

    “Storing supplements.”

    “Don’t store anymore! I’m giving birth tomorrow—”

    Huanhuan is so into it. 😂


    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖