Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh82 - Did Jing Huan add your WeChat?


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Translator's Note

99.86 F

Translator's Note

101.66 F

Translator's Note

102.2 F

Translator's Note

being sarcastic here

Translator's Note

Divi: In most online games nowadays, if you take the first hit, you’ll get the loot (if it drops). So if huanhuan isn’t getting the first hit he’s probably losing to everyone else that’s hitting it.

Either that or NCH has a system where if you attack a monster first, another player can’t attack it. Some games have that too

Translator's Note

also translates to bully

Translator's Note

Divi: Means to repeatedly kill something and let it respawn and then kill it again.

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  1. XHZ taking care of his wife is so cute!! Can’t wait for the reveal! 🥰🥰

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. Ahahahaaaaa what’s gonna happen, I’m so excited (≧∀≦) thanks for the chapter 😀

  3. Yes! Corner him while he’s still dazed from a high fever if not HuanHuan will use his emperor level escape skills to keep running away

  4. HUAN HUAN IS CHEATING WITH QIUFENG AGAIN. DO WE GET TO SEE VINEGAR JUG XIANG? AHHHHHHH I can’t wait for the next chapter! And awwwww XIANG ge is so sweet. Using his friends as an excuse to take care of his sick wife

  5. I bluescreened for about 5 minutes, thinking why did this update on a tuesday but then I remembered that it was just past 2 and I checked CG later than usual…

    Omg Xiang Gege is such a boyfriend material that I went all “I want one” for a sec there…

    Huanhuan~ get yo man~ ( ̄Д ̄)┍

    Keeeeeepp hiiiiimmmmmmm~

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  6. AHHHH too cute!!! I’m so curious how ML is gonna play this situation

    Thank you to the translator for the hard work!!!

  7. Ahhh so sweet taking care of his wifey.

    I think its time for confession!

    Thanks for the chapter

  8. Nurse Xiang Huaizhi is there to Kiss all the sickness away! Hehehe

    Well, now both of them know the truth, so speak to each other!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Next ch is either bemuddled confession or XHZ nursing JH through the night and a good talk after that. I guess, I hope lol It’s time to come clean with each other x’D

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  10. love lovee loveee this novel.. from the beginning of the chapter until now it doesn’t stop making me smile like crazy ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  11. Lu hang should tell XHZ how exactly was that phone broken – dropped and stepped on all in an attempt to not add him as a friend lol