Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh71 - Why did this Ge give me money once again!!!


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Translator's Note

a propitious omen, one of the highest quality of fengshui, supposedly brings in riches

Translator's Note

Unlucky, low quality of fenshui, will not bring in many riches

Translator's Note

be content with the man a woman has married regardless of his lot

Translator's Note

literally mandarin duck and happy get together bed, since mandarin ducks are a symbol of a happy marriage because they mate for life

Translator's Note

literally startles the heavens and brings in the attention of ghosts and gods

Translator's Note

Wiki entry here

Translator's Note

the symbol for weddings in Chinese

Translator's Note

literally like an iron tree in blossom, seldom seen or hardly possible

Translator's Note

not literally

Translator's Note

about 710 USD

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  1. Omg huanhuan lies 😂


    [No, Jing Huan thought, expressionlessly. I’m not worthy of any happiness, just letting Yearning For be happy was enough. ] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. {“I didn’t know what you would like,” Xiang Huaizhi said naturally. “But everything everyone else has, I will give it to you.”}


    Omg Xiang Gege!!!

    *screams again*

    Huanhuan, your husband is lethal!!! Also, let’s hope that your husband doesn’t interact with your parents because you’re screwed…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  3. [ It was said that this bed could not only be used as the nuptial chamber, but also had a more crucial function— creating children.]

    Am i the only one wondering if they get children in game due to this one try of the ” earth-shattering, amazing nuptial chamber”? 😂

    Also, they’ll both run 1500!!

    Xiang Huaizhi is now giving his wife money for his daily needs … is XHZ a rich second generation or just generally a great businessman?

    Thank you for all your hard work 💕

  4. Ahhh when will they come clean I want to read translators Christmas special fanfic about them 😖

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  5. and now Huanhuan has decided to just keep digging the pit instead of getting out of it😂 the bed thing was so funny!!

  6. I wonder if XHZ will be hurt when he finds out that Jing Huan lied about his family situation. I mean he already knows that Jing Huan lies about some things online lol

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  7. Ohhhh the misunderstanding is about to blow up, I can feel it /lighting a candle for Huanhuan xD

    XHZ is total boyfriend material tho; so cute how he worries about his bae :3

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  8. To be fair I don’t know what XHZ is expecting, I mean JH started all by feigning that he was a girl. More lies to actually hide that part should be expected, really.

  9. Seems like it’s now Xiang Ge nonstop flirting~

    Huanhuan, it’s monthly wage exclusive for wive bs, only for lovely wife~

  10. Huanhuan, you are going to fall really soon. The truth is about to come out!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. i read all the chapter in one go and only can post comment now, here i would thanked all translator/editor , all the team willing to work to translate this one. its really good story, so im grateful. cant wait to know what happen next

  12. Am I the only one having second hand embarrassment ☺️?

    Can’t wait till JH realises his feelings 😆

  13. I actually feel super bad for Xiang gege rn… he’s been so sincere and Huanhuan… has… not…. but in this situation ah, how can it be fixed ah??? Enjoying the story thooo i wanna see how this will be solved!!! I’m slowly wondering if we’re gonna go thru an angst filled phase~