Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh69 - Because I like you.


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Translator's Note

literally her miserable clothes

Translator's Note

literally, black pot

Translator's Note

literally, when the clouds clear, you can see the moon

Translator's Note

literally, lacks root reinforcement

Translator's Note

if 1 gold = 1 yuan, then thats around 1400 usd, although Divi would like to point out that we do not actually know the yuan to hold conversion, so hopefully we’re wrong

Translator's Note

142 USD

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  1. [Jing Huan was already lying flat in his coffin now. ]

    [Let me talk! Let me die early and go ahead and reincarnate!!!]

    Huanhuan hshshshshshshs

    [Xiang Huaizhi didn’t care about any of this. He just wanted to give Jing Huan a perfect wedding.]


    [“Because I like you.”]



  2. AGSGDJDKDLSJSJSGSGDKDKJDKKSJSJSHFHFJFJFKDKSJSJAJ XIANGGGGGGG!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!!! Huanhuan, go and come clean with Xiang! But Xiang just has to not make Huanhuan talk. I just hope Xiang would tell Huanhuan that he knows him before Huanhuan could tell him the truth! But! But Xiang!!!!! He would be hurt! My heart isn’t ready for monday’s update a!

  3. Oh my God it’s all over for you now JingJing look what you did you stole your seniors heart now you must take responsibility.

  4. Wow Xiang Ge, you rich mofo… as a purely f2p player I cried… Huanhuan wat u gonna do now???

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  5. I love that fanart.

    Yeah!!! He confessed! Huanhuan can’t run away from Xiang Huaizhi now. He must take responsability.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. I think the author mistook the prices for the game. There’s totally no way a wedding in a game could cost up to 20k USD. If it’s true, that game is such a scam and should be burn.

    • There was a mobile game I was playing that a guy spent close to that amount. It was a contest that you gain points by battling but there’s also a pay method with 20 points equaling to $100. He spent enough to get over 900 points in a few days. Then spent $1000 more after that.

      • If it’s like that then he spent $5500, tho that’s still a whole lot and that game also deserves to be burn but still nowhere near 20k USD. It’s confirmed, NCH deserves to be burn

        • Well, while reading this novel, I actually went to Google the name of this game. I assume NCH is not real. I was curious because this novel shares the same universe with 3 other novels by the same author. And the games in other novels are like LoL and PUBG which are all real life games owned by Chinese companies. So I thought these authors get some sort of commission fees from the game companies for marketing the domestic games. But NCH doesn’t seem to be real. Otherwise, I would’ve played with how beautiful the guild scene and how detailed the storylines of the instances are. Author just needed to boost her male lead. All the male leads in these Chinese romance web novels are just that awesome. I don’t think that game expense is real.
  7. Oh noooo, I should’ve waited rather than in this cliff 😭

  8. HuanHuan said his weekly pocket money was 200 gold… and is pretending to be a poor college girl who can barely afford food. It would be more reasonable for 200 gold to be ¥20 ($30) than ¥200 with that in mind. A $3k wedding sounds like the right amount of lavish as well, imo. Plus a 9999 gold or $140 firework show is also reasonable? I’m going to go with that instead of straight up 1:1, lmao.

    • I was ready to have a heart attack, if it was already too much money on USD converting it to my currency the amount would bebe astronomical.

  9. $20,000 USD… that’s more expensive than a real wedding!

  10. Using a friendly calculator and yuan converter,the price came up to $18,016.97,that is excluding the hairpin and the sedan. Since the hairpin was 999 gold at the lowest,or a five figure number at the highest,the price could be between any of these three numbers,(999 gold) $18,162.60,(10000,the lowest five digit number) $19,474.76, or (99999,the highest five digit number) $32,594.72. That still leaves the sedan,which compared to the other items seems even more high priced,considering the item and silver drop,i’m going to assume it’s another five digit item. So the price,assuming the hairpin is 99999 gold, can now be between,(10000) 34,052.51 or (99999) $47,172.47. Needless to say HuanHuan has a sugar daddy.
  11. Red-haired, all-black wearing Yearning For. A+++ I dig it *thumbs up*

    Thank you for the chapter!

  12. I’d like to know how much experience Tsuname has for the art to look that good

  13. This chapter had me rolling the whole time!!!!! It was so cute and funny 😆❤️

  14. Omg JH take responsibility! Haha

    Xiang confessed finally now i want him to confess in real life!

    Fan art was so cool

  15. Thanks for the chapter!!!

    RIP HuanHuan 😂😂 now we just need them to get married offline too~

    and if only i could also get an online Gege like that, i envy Tianjing _(:3 」∠)_

  16. [Jing Huan felt as though he had one foot in his coffin.]

    Huanhuan, i wouldn’t exactly call that one foot in… you’ve always been in that coffin. 😂

    Xiang Huaizhi, is that “platonic like” or have you finally realized everything after all that vinegar? I hope it’s the latter

    Thank you for translating this chapter! 😍

  17. AAHHH I’M SCEAMING!!! First time I just HAVE to leave a comment!! Woaahh our poor boy is still completely clueless that he doesn’t even need to worry about his “reveal”. Man, that’s gonna be another big shock!!

    Thank you for your great work!!!

  18. The bar for second-hand embarrassment is soooo damn high :’D I want and don’t want to read the next chapters hahaha…

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  19. The wedding online is already that expensive, just thinking of their wedding irl looks foolishly into nothingness I can never afford it

  20. Omg!!!! This is so fluffy. It’s even better because he knows LH in irl!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh

  21. Don’t worry Jing Huan, Xiang Huazhi knows 😉

  22. Omg…..all for this confession…..damn hope they would be happy without a problem… happy too….🎉🎉🎉🎉

  23. Omg when an in game wedding costs just as much as an irl one 😱 how is JH gonna confess that he did this just for revenge?

  24. the only way you can make it up to XHZ is falling in love with him, Jing Huan ah xd

  25. That was so sweet! The confession at the end was so sweet. 😭

    Jing Huan was about to pass out.

    Jing Huan was ashamed beyond words, couldn’t find a place to hide himself and his shame and was about to have a heart attack.

    And, LOL. Huanhuan’s reaction during the entire time was really funny. Imagining his reaction while he was sitting in front of his computer nearly fainting from shock was hilarious. 😂

  26. I undersand the guilt Huanhuan, but if Xiang Huaizhi clarified it much earlier then both of you will not meet. it is still a win-win.

  27. As much as I am happy for them, I was crying until the last part of this chapter. I kept thinking of what may happen anxiously…the angst ;-;

  28. Please, I’m laughing so hard I could die! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA that one was so smooth. Jing Huan really did dig his own grave so deep! HAHAHHAHAHAHA omg

  29. LMAO help!!! 😂😂 Huanhuan, accept it and accept your feelings! Your rich husband did all of this for you because he likes you!!