Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh67 - When do you want to get married?


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Translator's Note

literally, dark dragon

Translator's Note

bad ending

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  1. “When do you want to get married?”






  2. I agree with those two; the event was stupid.

    And the cliffhanger proposal.

  3. “When do you want to get married?”






    GDI Xiang Gege!!! My heart… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!

    Huanhuan, baby… plz tell me you’ll marry him asap. Once you get together irl there better be a ring, or better yet, matching shoes…

    Thanks for the chapter~! ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  4. AFSGDHDJDKDKSKKSKSJ GDI! My eyes failed me! My eyeglasses failed me! I read the title, “WHY do you want to get married?” Then i read the chapter AGSJDKDKDKDJDHDHS WHY?!?!!?!?!

  5. WHAT???!!! He proposed already!!!!! Huanhuan’s words really got to him, huh.

    Hahaha, Huanhuan can’t run away now.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. KYAAAA~💕 MARRIAGE!!!!!! YAAAASSSSS~! I started playing my “in love” playlist immediately to match the mood and went back to read it~!!!!! Finally Gege is starting to chase his wife~

    Thanks for the chapter~

  7. Are they getting married like this?! He should first clear up the misunderstandings ahhhhhhh!!!~

    Thank you for the chapter! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅

  8. Ooo he got worried that Huanhuan is getting tired of chasing “the one he likes”, so rushing to get married now?

  9. urg is this the calm before the storm. I’m really afraid of them marrying because HH still believes he a 2 timer. ugh and isn’t it after the marriage he will start his revenge T_T

  10. Lordt I do hope huanhuan never called out his vengeance. And PLEASE for once let his roommates spill the beans about his sister when HXZ is around!

  11. I can’t help but feel anxious when everything is revealed omg hopefully the angst or drama won’t be too heavy if there will be!!