Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh66 - Don’t really want to pursue them anymore.


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Translator's Note

literally see Buddha, kill Buddha

Translator's Note

honorable you

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  1. Gege’s heart is in a crisis lol what are you gonna do Xiang Xiang??

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. Xiang Huaizhi wasn’t surprised by this idea, but he just didn’t know when he started having it

    An indirect admittance from Xiang!!!!! Ah ah ah ah!!!! 😍😍😍😍 now Xiang wakes up. Go pursue Huanhuan!

  3. XHZ is starting to feel like he wants to monopolize our Huanhuan… Honestly instinctively, from a relationship analysis perspective, the relationship development concerns me a bit. Would XHZ have ever started liking Huanhuan if Huanhuan wasn’t pursuing him to begin with? If the idea was never put in his head, maybe he’d never feel like he wanted it or was missing something. And now, he’s come to like the feeling and just doesn’t want it to stop. He could just be in love with the idea of being loved – that sort of thing. Of course, this wouldn’t be the case for this type of fiction, but, if it were real life… I wonder if a lasting relationship could form from this sort of half-hearted position. XHZ wants to know what Huanhuan likes about him – but what does XHZ like about Huanhuan?

    I really love this story though and I hope to see their relationship continue to deepen. <3 I hope the author does not rush things.Thank you so much for all your hard work in bringing us this story!

    • Also, imagine if Huanhuan had finished his thought out loud…. “Tired of pursuing them – it would be easier to just kill them.” Oh Huanhuan, what kind of love do you have…

    • I feel like though, even before XHZ knew Huanhuan was Xiao Tianjing, he was already unconsciously attracted to him. He likes that he’s a cheerful, lively guy, and that he works really hard. It probably wouldn’t have progressed as quickly without the Xiao Tianjing thing, but I think XHZ would still like him.

      • I gave this quite a bit of thought and juurensha, I think your assessment is spot on. I thought XHZ and Huanhuan clicked straight away, and that right from the beginning there was… I’m trying to find the words to explain it… a mutual admiration for each other’s qualities, which has only grown stronger over time. (AND the fact that they more or less kept checking each other out every time they met!! 😆 ) They would’ve ended up dating with or without Xiao Tianjing, I’m positive.

      • +3 agree. also their relatonship dyanmic is amazing… reminds me of wei wuxian’s playful personality and lan zhan’s stoic ice cold personality how they both offset each others traits and find each other just drawn to each other

    • I would like to put out that there was a lot of foreshadowing about XHZ being attracted to JH. He ogled JH a lot the first couple times he saw him. XHZ had quite a few context clues for being an unrealized homosexual. I dont think he was in the closet, more like it just never occurred to him. JH push more or less awakened him.

      All that aside your assessment is very valid

    • i think its really subtle how XHZ falls in love with Huanhuan. (just like in MXTX MDZS)

      Really gotta read between the lines hehehe i can see XHZ attracted to huanhuan in many ways- his personality in real life (contrast) + his impressive gameplay style + how bold he is (for example in game pursuing him relentlessly and irl the instance during the basketball game where he defended XHZ after being hit)

      i think his love may have started from curiosity, but definitely he could find himself becoming attracted to huanhuans persistence + shamelessness (also once he found out tingting was huanhuan, he received a huge shock but also made him more interested) just like our ice cold lan zhan who was at first seemingly indifferent and annoyed by our playful wei ying but gradually fell in love harrrrd

  4. I recommend to change the title of this chaoter to: A second of Bliss before falling into despair!

  5. Xiang Huaizhi was so satisfied and then Huanhuan crushed his Dreams, hahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!