Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh43 - I will guard Gege’s health bar!


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Translator's Note

literal translation: can fart rainbows

Translator's Note

part of his username in pinyin

Translator's Note

Golden Chicken Stew

Translator's Note

Xian = pinyin for Immortal

Translator's Note

thank you to examseason for this translation!

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  1. omg skdjskdj xhz’s heart opened unwittingly once he found out who xiao tianjing is… ohoho

    thank you for the chapter!

  2. [ Xiang Huaizhi looked at the little fox fairy at his side. Would Jing Huan become Qiufeng’s 11th wife?]

    My my ahahahaha

    Also wow gege is literally slapping that meng meng girl face so hardddd

  3. It’s funny how XHZ’s attitude becomes better faster than before after finding out XTJ is Huanhuan xD

    And damn! Both Huanhuan and Xiang-ge’s faceslapping techinques are too cool!!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  4. I want that meme –

    XTJ in game (yet a stranger): gege~~~ *coquettish and coy

    XHZ: No. *blank face

    XTJ off-game (Huanhuan): gege~~~ *shy and awkward (since he’s a male junior)

    XHZ: … hell yes. *brushes 100 Opportunity Stones plus face-slapping the bishes

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 i can even imagine XHZ getting a boner in the future when he’d make JH call him gege personally with that blushing red and shy face 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  5. XHZ already acts like husband, while not realizing it. Examplry slapping everyone’s faces and declaring ownership 😂

  6. It’s a real sacrifice.

    But so cheap in exchange for Huanhuan’s heart, right, Xiang qianbei? 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

    Seems like the in-game marriage is not so far at this pace of Yearning For starting brushing gifts (and spoiling and pleasing and protecting) his Xiao Tianjing 😂😂😂😂😂


    XTJ: gege, let’s get married~~~

    XHZ: *imagines a cute meimei wearing wedding dress. No. 😑😑😑😑😑😑

    After: (discovering it is Xiang qianbei’s adorable Jing-baobei… err, i mean Jing-houbei (junior)

    XTJ: gege, let’s get married~~~

    XHZ: *imagines a handsome houbei wearing white wedding tux smiling at him while calling him qianbei

    XHZ: *drools, getting a boner. Yes!

    JH: *hugs himself. … why did I suddenly felt chills? *horrified.

    XHZ forgot Huanhuan is a female character in game…

    XHZ: … should I let him transform his character as a male, or tell him to create a new male character…? *thinks. No. I should marry him in real life! *determined.

    JH: … should I continue my online marriage…? This is shameful – *regrets.

    Looking forward to thi s day!!!! For now, waiting Wednesday 😂😂😂😂

  7. thanks for the chapter. Seems like XHZ is starting to fall for huanhuan but poor huanhuan is still living in his own fantasy world. Desperately waiting for the day XHZ realizes huanhuan is not gay😂

  8. Ohhh, Xiang Huaizhi won’t allow Huanhuan to be snatched from his side, huh?! Qiufeng Just can’t compete.

    Immortal Meng, we all have forgotten everything about you, just dissapear.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Xiang ge actually treated Xiao Tianjing better after he knew Huanhuan is XTJ o.o

  10. why would you AFK in the middle of an instance while fighting a boss? why do they keep doing that? their timing for afk’ing is the worst :s

  11. XHZ is so gay for JH, he only started to be really interested since he figured the other one was his underclassman 😂