Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh29 - Let’s add each other on WeChat?


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  1. stepping right back into your husband’s arms GG Huanhuan! ‘he sounds like Yearning For, his name is like Yearning For’ I just wonder why that is 🤣

    JH being an 818 forum expert, that’s embarrassing you know 🤣

  2. So Jian Huan going also buy a Americano coffee for himself?

  3. Oh my goodness. Seems the direction of this novel is JH will figure out XHZ’s identity first and become very conflicted… or maybe act cold to this senior of his until he finds out the truth! Ah well it’s only going to get more complicated!

  4. Thank you for the chappy! Their interactions are just so cute and I’m loving the Love you 59 seconds vibe 🙂

  5. Love how JH is being so ridiculous trying to woo XHZ in-game not knowing that IRL he can make the guy swoon in 5 seconds.

  6. The two girls… Chunxiao and Regardless? But wouldn’t it be too much of a coincidence it they all went to the same school?