Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh20 - Love Token


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Translator's Note

Chinese version of gambatte, in English it’ll be like all the best?

Translator's Note

it’s common to scold guys as ‘straight dudes’ to infer that they’re really insensitive etc. There’s even a term ‘straight dude cancer’ to refer to chauvinistic assholes haha

Translator's Note

leopard = getting same numbers on all dice, like 1111, 2222, 3333, etc.

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  1. What kind of bad habit was splitting one sentence into three?

    omggggggim cackling

    • I do that all the time when sending messages though XD i just felt like after writing a few sentences i had to send it already because it might get lost due to unforeseen events and it’s a hassle to retype it

      also when one’s excited, it’s a tendency to do that…

  2. Xiang Huaizhi, you’re going to die of anger If this HuanHuan keeps like this, hahahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • Thank you for the translations! War god would hate my friends, they text splitting

      every word in a sentence.

      • Opps sorry I commented on the wrong area 😅

  3. Definitely guilty for doing the 3 sentence thing hahaha. Thanks for the chapter! 😀

  4. So Jian Huan going just send gege and a emoji reply next time?

  5. XHZ is bad! What’s wrong with sending spit messages? I do that all the time in discord, ah! I even sometimes split it into 5!

    Hahaha… Love Token~

  6. [Friend] Yearning For: When you’re sending expressions to me next time, you’re not allowed to send more than three at a time. – haha, he doesn’t even notice how much his bottom line has fallen 😂

  7. HAHAHAHAH screaming xhz don’t you know that habit of splitting three messages is common nowadays xD my family may be looking at me like i’m crazy, but i’m laughing so hard rn