Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh19 - May not have big eyes, but he’s pretty flippant.


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Translator's Note

specifically old term for teacher

Translator's Note

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  1. ml lowkey trolling mc hhhhhhhhhh


    mc be careful of the wolf hahahah

  2. Can’t help feel giddy when this novel is updated. So refreshing. Except dirty socks and cockroaches 😄

    And ML making fun of Huanhuan at the end omg 😂

  3. Apparently they’re checking each other out kukukuku.. Huanhuan has long lashes, gotta note that down XD And Xiang-ge noticing that mean that he’s hyper focusing on Huanhuan’s face, similarly Huanhuan is doing the same bwahahahaXiang-ge bullying his wife hahaha.. Poor Huanhuan believed him without a second thought XD Does this show his dependence on ML?? Is he subconsciously relying on XHZ???

  4. Hmm… seems like ML is in a good mood and even chuckled? 😏😏😏😏😏 maybe he finally met his ‘love’? 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

    I’ll bet ten pieces of Huanhuan’s gold that both of them are closet gays and got attracted to each other at the stairs!

    Should we bless dorm 102 and the cockroach for making the MC and ML meet? 😂😂😂😂

    P.S.: now that Huanhuan and XHZ talked to each other irl earlier, will Huanhuan realize that god of war gege and XHZ is one person? Their voice, and their surname 😂😂😂😂

    Thanks for the chap~~~

  5. So no other option to kick the random challenge to somebody else?

  6. Thanks for the chapter 😊😍 Pfft!!! How narcissistic is the MC ah? Are there no other people in the dorm? How does he know those underwear are his? So full of himself! Pshhhh

  7. LMAO I was laughing the whole time reading this because of my baby Huanhuan 😂😂😂😂 He is so adorably gullible omygosh 😭😂


    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖