Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh16 - If it wasn’t because I can’t kill you, I would’ve fucking fallen out with you long ago.


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Translator's Note

rofl pay to win players

Translator's Note

“green tea bitch”, a seemingly unaffected, innocent and charming girl, but really a dissipated and superficial whore

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    • Gah!! I call abuse! Immortal Mengmeng should be kicked out of the guild (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ Our cute Xiao Jingjing’s former owner is a hoe, seducing humans left and right hahaha.. No wonder Idle Pavilion’s guild leader is so salty xD Now Huanhuan is PK-ing with his gege, show off your skills Huanhuan jiayou!

    • Agreed translator friend she is the most annoying. 😂 but my kinda ship her with Chunxiao cause lets have lesbian representation. Thevway she said ok I won’t look at her was just 👀

  1. Do I miss on some explanation?

    How did Empress Meng become God of War wife? They alr divorced, right?

    She acted like they know each other closely.

    From the way Yearnign For (and true to stereotypical novel) behaves, he doesnt have any other wife before or after, right?

    • There was a booster playing Yearing for’s account for months. That booster guy was the one with immortal meng and huanhuan’s cousin. XH was framed!!

      • So, XH never talk w Empress Meng nor he try to marry in game?

        ps. Why I cannot comment in Reborn with Old Enemy? It said, I already commented, or the comment was double or something like that. And I swear, I havent commented on that page yet.

  2. Oh, It said ‘duplicate comment’ eerytime I comment.

    I got the same message after I replied above comment.

  3. Seriously they make Immortal Meng Men and elder on the guild allowed to kick members? That’s stupid.

    Im excited for JH to kick their ass and show his skills.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. Jian Huan going randomly press which ever skill button to dodge and it becomes a show of him evading every attack she flings at him?

  5. Immortal Mengmeng is an abusive Scum! So What If some guy betrayed you? You shouldn’t take it off on innocent People.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. [ Juurensha : …guys, kick Immortal Mengmeng out of your guild, she’s really annoying.]

    +1 (⇀‸↼‶)

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌹

  7. Are Chunxiao and Regardless of Lovesickness a couple? Aren’t they both female? Yuri?? 😆

  8. Omg chunxiao & regardless of lovesickness lesbians?

  9. Tha weird af, she kicks members but the guild leader’s just “uhh well you shouldn’t have done it” 🧐

  10. My lil wlw babies, Regardless of Lovesickness’s jealousy is really cute! I can’t wait until she and Chunxiao realize that Xiao Tinjiang is actually someone they can get along and be friends with and that they should finally get rid of that annoying Mengmeng