Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh12 - Yearning For must have tipped off Xiao Tianjing


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Translator's Note

a play on the common ‘old driver’s car’ slang online again. An old driver = experienced player, getting on their car = riding on their coattails

Translator's Note

attacker that deals physical damage

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  1. So Jian Huan going solo a few monsters that are the support of the instance enemies?

  2. This novel keeps getting more entertaining. Thank you for your hard work. 🙆‍♂️

  3. Xiang Huaizhi~ didn’t you say that you won’t worry about Xiao Tianjing? ( ¬ ‿ ¬ )

    Thank you for the chapter!!! 🌹

  4. MC is too absorbed in his ploy of acting devoted to ML 😂 ML is getting moved hard hahahaha