Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh112 - Where did he find the courage to ask my husband out?


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island map in PUBG

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  1. Awwwwww they’re just too cute together!

    Huan Huan is so lonely until Xiangxiang comes home…

    “Husband ah … What, not letting me call you that?” *-* <3! He finally gets called husband IRL!

    Defend your man! Xiangxiang is so decisive and ruthless!

  2. The way these two drink vinegar and interact with each other is funny as hell but it’s also so freakin soft and sweet ilovethissomuch (Also fan art is beautiful!)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Aah, these two are still so cute~ 🤭

    All this dogfood are so good. Seconds, please! 😃

    Bounty for the head of that someone who dare show his body to my wife – Xiang Huazhi

    I wonder if we’ll ever know who owned that side account? 🤔

    Thank you for translating 💕

  4. Lmao Huanhuan acting XTJ to his friends and go all fuckers lol

    And Gege being haha my wife is jealous. My wife called me husband (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡. My wife…

    You dare tainted my wife’s sight with your half naked body? KILL


    Thank youu for the chapter💞

  5. hahaha looks like another name is going to be added in Xiang’s black book, the 1st is Quifeng 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Someone is about to be ground into dust 😏

    Gawd they are so sticky with each other. I feel like I’m eating honey 😆

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  7. Lol Xiang Gege going from chill, go to sleep I’m back to my wife called me husband to kill this person he dare show such things to my beloved wife….

    Huanhuan downloading the video (?)… yes, a keepsake of my hubby and I… proceeds to report vid

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  8. Ahhh ahhhh these two shoving dog food at us ~~~~~!!!! So cute uwu the way that they both drink up vinegar ~~~~

    Thankyou for this!!!

  9. JH: asking sweetly(?) if others want to play PUBG

    Others: Eeerm… ???

    JH: Are you fuckers coming or not!? Dx

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  10. An assassination right away! Xiang Huaizhi, you’re too much! fufufufu

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Awwww huanhuan and xhz’s relationship is progressing really well ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for this chapter!

  12. They’re so cute together!~ (⑅˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )

    Jing Huan didn’t hide it from him 乃~ And XHZ is so decisive and ruthless!~ That’s how it should be rather than giving hope to other people! (¬_¬;)

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌹

  13. “How dare you try to seduce my husband?” – Huanhuan

    “How dare you dirty my wife’s eyes?” – Xiang Ge

    “When will you both get married irl?” – me

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖

  14. Hahahahahaha the blood path, not killing anyone for more than 10 years to killing everything that moves around JH hahaha men or women