Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh109 - I like to listen to him act spoiled with me.


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note


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  1. Chichi is basically me, I love her~

    Omg Xiang Gege, how bold of you to just message that to the mods while seen in livestream…

    A chapter on a weekend!!! Fufufu~

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Thanks for the chapter!! I don’t know how I’m going to wait for the next chapter to be out 😭

  3. 💕Omg I love this novel more every chapter 💕

    That went way better than I was expecting it to and I feel warm and happy *giggles*Thank you for translating!!

  4. Ahhh can’t wait to see how Huanhuan will act when he’s online 😁😁😁

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  5. Chichi (face palm) tho I can understand her lolz. She has guildies that are gay, which has juicy stories than the secret stash she gave to HuanHuan 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. I was screaming throughout the whole chapter but thank god for XHZ controlling the situation well!! And LMAO i bet they all have a lot of questions for Huan Huan and XHZ xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  7. And gosh seeing Immortal Mengmeng’s name lolz hopefully she’ll stop her pestering of our great god

  8. !!!! our ml rlly composed la, rlly think about what he said to help his bf 0.0

    I alrdy read the spoiler about this scene but damn, it still made me laughed till my stomach hurt!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter >.<

  9. Gege handled it so well like a CHAMP 💪🏻

    Now that’s Huanhuan’s Gege

    Pampering his wife and also bragging about him to the audience lmaoooo

    Thank you for the chapter ahhh Chichi’s like hell yes they’re BL, now let me get an exclusive story—

    (And also the left out three people lmao)

  10. Omg I love this chapter so much hahahaha it’s everything I imagined it to be and so much more ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

    Thank you so much! Huhu it’s going to be painful once this novel ends. ಥ‿ಥ

  11. I cannot stop re reading this chapter THIS IS TOO GOOD AHHHH Thanks for the translation QAQ <<<333

  12. Chichi is the authors hidden personality that actually wrote about this love story! I bet on it hahaha 🤣👍

  13. Oh my god what a save! From catfishing to like being spoiled. From potential disaster to shoving dog food in our throats. Wonderful!! Hahahaha

    Im so chichi. Details please! Thank you for the chapter~

  14. Lol ChiChi was so funny. Poor Qiufeng.

    I want them to feed dog food in the live stream haha.

    Thanks for the chapter

  15. XHZ handled everything so well…I just want to see the moment when LH and JH’s other friends will all meet together in real life…thanks for the chapter.

  16. Immortal MengMeng before: “What’s does Xiao Tianjing have that I don’t???”

    Immortal MengMeng after: “Ohhhhhhhhh……”

    • So no snacking sounds coming up on the livestream to make the viewers wondering who’s opening snacks to eat as the sound of something like a loud “RIPPING ” sound to the lewd minds of Xiang Huaizhi’s shorts being torn apart accidentally!? 😏

  17. “Why pretend to be a woman… Some fun between lovers, I like to listen to him act spoiled with me.” XD only you could pull this off so smoothly, XHZ, and it’s probably true. You softy, XHZ.

    “This kind of boy, what young maiden wouldn’t like him?” Awwwwww, is this is why he loves him?

    Haha thank goodness for XTJ’s singleminded focus on XiangXiang. There’s no collateral damage on any of the other players.

    Haha throwing shade on QiuFeng, but acting as if he’s all innocent and doesn’t want to state the name…

    Chichi, I feel ya~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  18. Immortal Mengmeng finally gave up!!!! So good!

    Aaand poor Qiufeng, XD

    The three friends are seeing their world upside down, I’m looking forward Huanhuan and Xiang Huaizhi’s explanations!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  19. Another of Great God Xiang Huaizhi’s skills! 👌

    Absolute wife protection 🤭Lowkey threatening the live stream viewers and the mods to make sure Huanhuan never sees any curses thrown at him

    And wife-bragging 🤩

    Thank you so much for translating 💕

  20. Mengmeng giving a gift made me laugh so much.

  21. Ahhh i love luhang, lu wenhao and gaozixiang’s reactions and their speechless chat 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    That ending… Chichi loves yaoi so ofc she is very interested!!

  22. LMAOOO I loved everyone’s reactions, specially Chichi’s and the dorm guys even making a group chat just to say ….. They must be feeling awfully dumb seeing as the clues were pretty obvious lol

  23. 😍😍😍😍😍😍💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  24. [“You’ve never seen him, he’s very handsome. He looks even better after his recent haircut… His character is good, he has a strong sense of justice, the kind that can’t help but lose his temper when he sees someone playing dirty during a basketball game. This kind of boy, what young maiden wouldn’t like him?” Xiang Huaizhi continued, “I also like him despite being a man.”]

    Jing Huan is so anxious in the bathroom…~ On the other hand XHZ is bragging/showing off hahaha~

    ¯_▒ – ﹏ – ▒_/¯

    Hmm~ Will Qiufeng still go after Xiao Tianjing? I‘m very curious haha~

    Lu Wenhao, Gao Zixiang and Lu Hang must be shocked to death hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 After all, they didn’t realize about them even though they were this close~ Did Immortal MengMeng give up on Yearning For?? I hope so~

    Jing Huan who came out of the bath is even more shocked~ Don‘t worry Jing Huan!…Your Husband has taken care of it all~

    XHZ!! You have dealt with this situation excellent!~ ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒

    Thank you for the chapter!🌹This chapter was my favorite chapter from this novel!~

  25. whew that ends well! XHZ is so good,,he was able to appease everyone and I like it when he listed all those qualities about JH!! so fluffy 😍😍

  26. i am so freaking happy this went smoothly the ml is amazing !!!!

    i was freaking out so much when he was discovred i had to take a long break Before I continue reading !!! I swear that was a lot of stress for me


  27. Chichi is my spirit animal LMAO! Don’t feel bad Huanhuan! You’re husband already protected you!!! Thanking Xiang ge for being such an amazing husband!!! 💝💗💞💖✨

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖

  28. Chichi is very relatable. I, too, could easily forgive Huanhuan for deceiving me as long as he shared me all the teas. Like who doesn’t like some chismis!? 😂