Guide on How to Fail at Online DatingCh104 - They’re hard to catch.


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Translator's Note

like 70, 80, 90, etc

Translator's Note

chinese saying is light bulb

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  1. I’m not even sorry for Qiufeng…

    Omg Huanhuan, accepting that vidchat when your parents are near… fighting!!!

    Gogogo Xiang Gege~ protect your wifey~

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. lighting up an incense stick for Qiufeng May your dumb, slag ass be judged well by the great, almighty God of War gege UwU

    It’s kinda sad to see Xiang Huaizhi wishing to spend birthday with wife but rejected (╥﹏╥9) well, assuming Sunday meant his birthday. Huanhuan needs to pick up some hints!

    Anyways, great job juurensha and editors! Looking forward to more awkward Huanhuan x Huaizhi moments with Mama Jing and Papa Jing around 😂😂

  3. I feel sorry toward Qiufeng tho lol I know he just wanna be Huanhuan’s friend rn but XHZ will never approve 😂

  4. Quifeng is the equivalent of a comedic slag man, who is always caught trying to flirt by the uninterested girl’s hubby 🤣🤣🤣 its kind of wordy

  5. Love it when HuanHuan and Xiang Ge send pictures to each other and start video calls.. (✯◡✯)

    Just say you two are together…!! I also want a date soon !!!

  6. Im dying from sugar overload… dies RIP 2020I could write so much but that above pretty much sums it all up

  7. LMAO Qiufeng died for Huanhuan to be happy with his husband’s show of love 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Ahhh I hope Huanhuan would get the hint that Sunday is his Gege’s birthday somewhere. I don’t think he want to miss it too. It’s his first!birthday!with!his!beloved!Gege! *slams fist*

    Lol Huanhuan going jealous my ass. Dad got his own looooooool

    Thank you for the updates. Happy every time I see the noti for GHFOD 🥰

  8. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    The vinegar barrel have been accidentally overturned!!!

    Qiufeng suffered a -5000hp point!!!

  9. Lol Qiufeng, you’re so unlucky… messaging the wrong person’s account when the very sensitive vinegar jar of a husband was using it 🤣

    Thank you for the wonderful translation 💕

  10. I feel Qiufeng will puke blood when he finds out Huanhuan is a man.

  11. Lol each time they send pictures to each other i try or want to press it to view it too. This is so absorbing. I love it. I was gonna comment on some earlier chapters but i found it too stressful I just wanted to read asap to get to the chapter where they arent divorcing. Thanks for release.

  12. Quifeng has suffered injustice, DASURV HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHA

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💖