Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 19


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Translator's Note

A sugar baby

Translator's Note

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  1. I thought he need two years to find the correct coordinates? Not one? Im confuse hehehe

    Thanks for the update!

  2. Thanks for the new chapter!!
    Xiao An Chun is a transmigrator? I thought he was just stranded in that planet like they were, but was from a different era? :|a

    • After all this chapters and you just get that NOW?!?! XD LMAO
      It was stated the first time Xiao An Chun intoduced, if my memory correct.

      • ??? What do you mean, they are in the “real world” (or ZYS’ original world at least), just in a different planet and time traveled to a different era. Transmigrating would mean Xiao An Chun went into another world altogether/went into a book’s world (maybe not even have his own body), which he obviously didn’t, just got lost in another era too. I did know he’s not from that planet, I’m just asking if he’s a “transmigrator” too or just a time traveler ://

  3. One last chapter 😭. Thank you for the chapter.

  4. Thank you for the chapter!

    Awww! I do hope Bai becomes human so they could live a satisfying “pa pa pa” life together♡

  5. All the ancestral beasts will become human and wont be discriminated againts when the silly lion goes away! silly Bai deserves to live with his little An Chun till old age

  6. I can’t wait for Xiao Bai to turn human and can papapa with Xiao An Chun 😀

  7. Oooh, yes! Human bai for xiao an chun! So they can papapa. Imagine bai’s springs missed… He’s pretty thirsty and would spend days with Xiao an chun 🎊

    Thank you for all your hard work ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

  8. I believe and wish that Bai is human and of course it would be a novelty for the author to write another scene of papapapa different from those of our beloved protagonists. ╰ (* ° ▽ ° *) ╯

  9. Xioa An Chun is going to be a hero, and YunSheng and Xuan will be recognized as deities when they leave. What fun.

  10. Hurray human Bai to accompany our sweet XAC. I really hope they’ll get intimate before though. I wonder if I should be disturbed by how much I’ve truly truly enjoyed this arc. So happy I get to read it 😁😁

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️

  11. I hope all the ancestral beasts will be able to transform into human!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕