Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 18


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  1. Ha… NOW SEND A T-REX AFTER HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • A T-rex ain’t enough. He’s gotta face zys and zx.

  2. Like, seriously!!!! The amount of dog food these two throw at us single-for-life people are off the charts!! and worse is that I gladly welcome it, I love them to death!! I’ve become a “M” reader…sighs

  3. Welcome to the STI (Suami Takut Istri) club, where the husbands feared their wifes 😂

  4. I’m still waiting for Bai and Xiao An Chun to finally have sex and make babies. I kinda hoped Kuna would stay around long enough for that. Then he would have to watch two deeply in love couples.

  5. UwU finally the pest is gone
    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. So spicy 🌶😍. LOL at Bai showing his cute shou that he is also properly endowed. Bye bye Kun, you won’t be missed.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️

  7. jajajaja, el movimiento de nuestro MC, le dió una bofetada aún mayor que ver a nuestro ML peleado con el T-Rex kuahahaha…. se va con el rabo entre las piernas, pero no sabe que ahora no puede tener descendencia pese a ser un guerrero de 7mo nivel.

    Mientras tanto, el pobre Bai… sigue sin comer carne, ahem ahem ahem

  8. Thanks for the chapter. (✿ ♥ ‿ ♥) ❤ ❤ ❤

  9. Another chapter 😍. I love you guysss 😭

  10. Hey, can anyone tell me when the ML will turn back into a human? I’m not much of a furry…

    • At the end of the Arc. If you’re not into, you really should skip this extra.

  11. Thank you for all of your hard work in translating this 😊

    I love how they’re building their own little tribe. And the bestiality portrayed doesn’t really bother me….. In fact, i can’t wait for bai x an chun to have their fun time and have their own little cubs and populate their territory. Esp since the main couple can’t procreate and Bai is technically the next in line (he was the king before Xuan, right?)

    Good riddance, Kun! I don’t hate you as much as eddie (I’m not sure if i got her name right) though. But you both do deserve each other. Too bad because of your greed for the red stones your probably going infertile.
    And who do you think you are to threaten our male god?

    Anyway, can anyone tell me how many chapters are left in this extra?

  12. Ah Xiao An Chun, you’re too kind but that’s what I like about you sigh…

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  13. I love it when YunSheng quits hiding his strength.

    • Samee its always so satisfying whenever he goes all crazy on his enemies

  14. I feel so evil…My way of torture for Kun would be to injure him and then apply the so called divine blood (mud thing) and let then him watch himself wither away by bacteria 😈 mwhahaha

    • Ok nvm, saw the last chapter. A greater method of torture, I was short-sighted 👀 (can’t believe I’m saying this)

  15. ahhhh i really want to see bai x an chun developed moreee!

    well cant blamed an chun, if i were him i would get scared too with a beast (๑-﹏-๑)

    ahh i hope theres nsfw for bai & an chun!