Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 16


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Translator's Note

Used a bit like a term of endearment

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  1. I just couldn’t stop smirking as I imagined the Scum Slapping Kun will get in the end!
    They should just stuff grinded hot peppers into Kun’s nose and mouth. I hope he chokes on it too!

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

    • The king of animals scared of pepper lol.
      Its funny how ZYS coax ZX in eating spicy food. Poor Bai didnt get a kiss.

      Heh, Kun will get the ending he deserves….. very soon.

      Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Thank you translator for the hard work.

    Personally though, I always skip the bestiality scenes. Like, how does that anatomically work???? In this chapter, the mouth sizes would clearly be different, and I’m crying for the pain the MC must be enduring in the papapa scenes lmao

    • his body and soul strenght is higher than normal, he is the existence closer to his lover in evolution, so maybe its not an issue for him?

    • Yo, that’s nothing, actual lions have spiky dicks just like housecats…

  3. i just dont see it as bestiality when i know their origins lol, its kinda weird…? lol following them through so many worlds raises the tolerance to their antics,
    PS: i feel bad for Bai, if he could shapeshift it would be better for his love life

  4. I hope that XAC can cross the hurdle to Bai. Also I love this whole arc, but just don’t see how a lion and human can make out 😂😂. And I don’t mind the beastiality part since it’s them but an actual kiss just doesn’t make sense. Rip my morals.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️

  5. When 👏 will 👏 Bai 👏 get 👏 “meat”. The bestiality doesn’t really bother me with these two lol they’ve been in so many different bodies in all the other worlds…plus I’ve read beastmen manga so even the makouts aren’t that weird to me lol.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. inhales This little sister’s views have long been toppled~ blows smoke I don’t mind the beast scenes, thanking the translator for taking one for the fandom and sharing it with all the rotten sisters~

  7. Kawaiii bai no te preocupes pronto te daré azúcar jajajaa

  8. Lol why would they call you out. It was already warned that this arc was straight up beastiality….

  9. If it’s in the story, it’s in the story. The beastiality scenes don’t bother me cause it’s fiction. If people don’t want to read it then maybe a warning so people can skip those paragraphs?

  10. Thanks for the spicy update! ^_-

    As far as the bestiality goes, he’s not actually a real animal- well, okay he IS but he’s also really a human (sort of? idk. lol) -so to me it’s almost like they’re “role-playing”? Just a bit more realistically. Although using “realistically” in this case is hilarious considering the sex scenes described are physically impossible but meh who cares? I love this pairing no matter what form they’re in.

    Now I’m waiting for some lovely face slapping…

  11. While I do mind and can’t stomach bestiality, I won’t hold it for those who can. I mean I can simply skipped the papapa scene, which won’t reduce the enjoyment of the story that much.

    So I won’t call or criticize or anything to the translator. Afterall it’s already stated that this story had bestiality.

  12. Sigh..Here I am imaging the male god and beast king having a make out session..😈😈

  13. Thank you for chapter! Hopefully Bai will get his share of love smut in the future lolol. I don’t particularly hates/enjoy bestiality but I’m okay with it. I guess years and years of reading bl novels and yaoi manga does makes me ‘rotten’ and explores more ‘weird’ genres lol

  14. The minds of us fujoshis have long since rotted. exhales smoke

    This is absolutely nothing to us.

  15. It is so funny. I am so happy ZYS finally got a friend. He just always seems to be fighting for his life. I am appreciative for the two light bulbs. They’d make such great friends if they were to keep interacting