Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 13


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Translator's Note

he means the sex lol

Translator's Note

以小人之心度君子之腹 -> the idea of despicableness to speculate on the mind of a decent person.

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  1. His face when they eat and leave on 😈 anyways, thanks for the chapter!!!

  2. I want to bash my head against a wall from all the dumb shxt he’s thinking. But obviously I won’t, since that scum isn’t worth it for me to hurt my dear head. And yes, I’m talking about Kxn. His name needs to be censored so I don’t taint my mouth or any other innocent people with same name.

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  3. Kun why didn’t you just die in a ditch???😒
    All the readers would have surely appreciated it…

    And OMG! Bai and Xiao An Chun are such a cute couple!!! 😍😍

    • Throughout this I have asked him the same thing. 😒 I’ve read all the other arcs and he especially pisses me off at least green tea bitches are mpre entertaining and not nearly as dumb! 🙃

  4. Stupidity can be deadly 😧😧

    Thanks for the chapter! ^ ^

  5. Just kick this snake away. Im sure he cant even hurt their hair, but having such a thing arouns ia only good for angering oneself to death..

  6. Thanks for the chapter!

    A white-eyed wolf can never change. The upcoming face-slapping will be glorious!!!

  7. What crawled up his ass and died? He is the worst kind of a human ever.

  8. I remember being so frustrated and angry at the tribes’ people when reading the raws. I can’t wait for karma to hit them back.

    Anyways, thanks for the chapter!

    • Then do you remember how much anger there’s left before the karma chapter kicks in 😂 I keep hoping something bad happens to the tribe by the next chapter

  9. Ohohohoho im looking forward for kun’s ass to get whooped and get burned into crisp

    Thanks for the chapter!

  10. It is seen that the scum come together to rub the hairs. Eddie and Kun are made for each other. I’m glad An Xia Chu has found your partner.

  11. Thanks god for Bai, or else, poor our little baby Chun ( TДT)( TДT)

  12. Tsk stupid Kun. He will get what he deserve at the end.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  13. Stupid Kun. I wonder what expression he’ll make when everyone eats those fruits and veggies and turns out perfectly fine. I hope he sees Eddie’s true nature.

  14. Bai is so sweet, just what XAC needed <3. The tribe’s brain is broken lol, they let XAC stay because he knew stuff about plant stems, then immediately go oh his medicines and other stuff are poison! Kun is going to see them enjoying delicious properly prepared fish and veggies and have his brain break, lol.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  15. Siento que salvar su vida fue un desperdicio, pero es mejor que aún a las malas se de cuenta de que es un idiota.
    Y ya he despegado mi nave con Bai jejeje

  16. All right Bai protect your man 👌🏻👍🏻

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  17. As expected from Canon fodder, his tail of though is hilarious! 😂

  18. Idiot.

    That’s all I’ve got to say…

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  19. Why don’t they just send him away? There’s really no point to keeping someone that will backstab you at any moment by your side.