Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 12


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

十步殺一人,千里不留行,事了拂衣去,深藏身與名; what ZYS is doing is expressing his admiration for ZX’s chivalry/ heroics

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  1. [The saber-toothed tiger was worried that the female would be frightened, and wanted to jump down from the top of the tree. But the female raised his hand, covered his mouth, and yawned. His face was dulled and bored. Where was the slightest bit of fear? He paused, and just then, a huge wave rolled towards the shore and was about to swallow the female. However, the female avoided the wave at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and jumped over a dozen meters up in the blink of an eye.]
    This paragraph is repeated.

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Wow the Renault tribe deserves their decline. The poor cubs being abandoned and then hunted… ugh!

  3. I wonder what will happen to this planet after all is said and done. I also wonder how the little transmigrator and Bai are doing.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️

    • Hopefully, they’re gonna fall in luuuuvvv and we’ll get to see some papapa from them before the end of this arc~

  4. But wouldn’t their current actions also affect history? They took away all of the red crystals and technically sped along the extinction of that tribe, didn’t they? 🤔 Ayyy, these rules are so annoying!

    Thanks for translating~

    • Everything is a fair game as long as they don’t use unknown technology before beastmen…

  5. the silly lion is building a beast empire lol

  6. ZX really deserves the title king of the jungle.

    Thank you for the chapter.

  7. I like it when YunSheng shows off some of his true strength and quits pretending to be weak all the time.