Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 72


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  1. Thank you baobao – Laoshi for taking us throguht this ride! And also for the 4 chapter update. Loved this novel. Loved the couples. Loved your translations!

    Be happy Baobao-laoshi and thanks again for letting us read this wonderful novel

  2. Thank you, Baobao and team for translating and editing. I really enjoyed the novel and look forward to your next project 🙂

  3. Thank you sooo much for translating this adorably cute, fluffy, warm and loving novel for us to read! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  4. Aww it’s truly the end.. Thank you so much for your hardwork, Baobao and team!! 🥰❤️🥰

  5. Thank you! Baobao and team for translating this fluffy novel. I really loved this novel. I’m so glad everyone got a happy ending. I’ll be looking forward to your next project ☺️

  6. Thank you for bringing us this wonderful novel. I love this novel and I am very thankful for all your team’s effort. 😘❤😍😍

  7. I feel like the last 3 chapters were not enough! I want a full novel on Tang Guo and Qi Sen as well as Da Yu and Mu Chenyi !

    I love your translations and I appreciate you taking your time to translate and share with us.

    thank you so much for sharing Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan’s story with us! <3

  8. Congrats on finishing this novel! Thank you so much for all the effort! I loved all the characters and wished I could have read more of their story but I was thoroughly satisfied. ❤

  9. The only thing I wanted to know was what the general’s reaction to Yang Anyu’s death.

    Did he have feelings for Yang Anyu or was it platonic? Yi Chenyan’s dreams and feelings has some implications, but I want to actually “see” it. It would have made the two “reunion” more meaningful.

    Oh well…

    • Oh I didn’t think of that before but it would have been nice, also about the feelings of the general I think there was a chapter in which was stated that the general never married nor fall in love for the rest of his life after losing the MC so I think that is also a implication of his feelings?

      I personally would have loved to see Chenyan and Xiao Yu making their relationship public hehe

  10. Ah thank you for translating this! I really loved it. I’ve been waiting for you to finish and I read it all in one day! It was super fun. Thanks 🙂

  11. Thank you so much for translating this novel baobao 💕💕 it was a bit of a rollercoaster for emotions I kept feeling that I was about to cry on some parts haha 😭 also this extras are pure sweetness letting us now of the others cp endings 💕 aww I’m gonna miss this story and all the lovely characters in it as well

  12. I really loved all the characters, and the story was truly very fun. The various relationships made me very happy, the author really seemed to have a fondness for subverting certain cliches and there were a lot of interesting plotlines to follow. The movies and shows they filmed were also cool to hear about! Really, it was just a great time, and I’m so glad I got to experience it

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  13. Thank you…..✨

    At first I did not understand some of the things in a novel, especially since I am from another country and I did not understand English much, but I really thank you for translating this novel.

    I love you…..🥰


  14. I stacked up the last chapters to read, so here is a belated thank you for them and for translating this novel! Please keep up the great work! Merci beaucoup!

  15. Thank you for translating and doing such a fabulous job with it! It was a pleasure to read! So fluffy and sweet! ❤️

  16. This novel was truly great. I enjoyed it and it was all thanks to a wonderful translator like you. You did great. 😇

  17. Aww, it was lovely reading about this CP and the extras could have easily have been separate novels too!

    Thank you Baobao and Mugi for the translation, much appreciated 😘💕

  18. I think i was kinda expecting the whole reveal when ChenYan remembers that he was a general and stuff, but i like the story anyway

  19. This is such a cute read. I thought that the main CP would talk about the past and the dream and reveal who they are, but they never did. I really like Yang Jue and Qin Nuoxi. The fact that QNX fell in love first and wrote a song… he clearly knows how to play hard to get. 😏

  20. didn’t expect nsfw but got nsfw… >~<. Thank you for translating this story!!!!! The story was so adorable I practically got cavities from too much sweetness huhu Anyu is too precious for this world and Chenyan deserves the happiness ha has now until the future. Also cute bodyguard and manager trop 😂 was definitely expecting for a chapter about them. THANK YOU!!!!!

  21. I really like this!! Read this at 3AM and my pillow has been soaked when Anyu hospitalized 😪.

    Thank you so much for translating this fiction.❤️

  22. Hello! My name is San Lang. I’m from indonesia. I have read your novel in English that you have translated and I am very happy after reading it. Can I ask for your permission to translate your version into Indonesian and upload it to my Wattpad account?

    I will enter your web name so people can see it and are interested in reading your work. The name for my wattpad account is 03CINNI thankyou very much for your attention.

    Iwill wait for your reply soon.


    San Lang

  23. Thank you Baobao-Laoshi and team for taking time in translating and editing this wonderful story. I swear I’m gonna miss this(〒﹏〒)( ˘ ³˘)♥

  24. Thank yoy baobao ant team for translating the book and letting us experience another awesome novel. My single dog self shouldn’t be eating all this dog food but it’s just too tasty😭 The couples were all amazing the book was amazing and Tang Guo and Qi Sen are so cute I kinda feel stupid but who knows TG might top QS one day hehe

  25. Congratulations everyone for finishing another novel—ahhh! I have finished another novel~I can’t believe~! I really love reading translations in this site! The translated novels here are superbs! Anyway, I’m gonna miss how Anyu and Chenyan feed us dog food (actually all of the side cps dog food, they have different flavors and tastes lol). See you guys in another novel~~~~~🌻 happy reading!

    • And yeah… I thought there will be a coming out chapter for chenyan x anyu! I’ve been waiting for that thing to happen, publicize their love and relationship but i guess… sa tamang panahon! Still love the wedding! Yiii

  26. I’ve once dropped this novel because i thought it makes me feel embarassed in chapter 10 or 11 can’t remember. But then i can’t get this novel out of my mind so i keep on remembering it’s title until i search ‘film emperor..’ and so on. Then i picked it again and re read it and the end it makes me cry, happy , angry, depressed, embarassed and feel shit with the characters espe-ially on how the mc and ml interact, and of course ◐.̃◐ the smwat hehehe love it( ˘ ³˘)♥٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥ and very thankful for translating this lovely novel that is full of ups and downs hehehe can’t think of anything to say just keep translating novels (-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
  27. I loved the story. And I must say that I really appreciated the extras. Also I’m a sucker for the whole reincarnations and past lives spiel so this was definitely an enjoyable ride for me. Thank you translator and editors for the hard work! ❤️

  28. Thank you for translating and editing this story! This was a fantastic read and I will always anticipate your works, Baobao! I hope you and Mugi are in good health and I wish all the best for you all!!

  29. Thanks for translating! I didn’t really like some parts (like the resolution with the drama… I wanted dog blood face slapping!) but it was a good read all in all and I probably wouldn’t have known about this if it wasn’t for CG.

  30. Ahhhhh another amazingly translated book!!! Thank you so much!! I had a lot of fun reading this!! <3

  31. Thank you very much for translating this sweet novel to the translator and editor!!!!

    This story warmed my heart and made me cry! In dark times like these, I just wanted to smile and this novel was exactly what I needed, thank you very much 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  32. Thank you for giving almost everyone a happy ending except Luxi (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) thank you for your hard work Translator-sama and Editor-sama (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ

  33. Start of something good!! Though, I was hoping to also see how the fans of Yi Chenyan and Yang Anyu’s reaction to their marriage. Or I just happen to forget it?

  34. serves you right, yang an yu 🤣🤣🤣 now you also taste the dog food.

    thank you for the translation. great job!♥️