Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 71


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Translator's Note

heir of a noble family

Translator's Note

ancient Chinese football

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  1. Awww I’m happy Da Yu get his own happiness 🥰

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  2. ahhhh I loved Mu Chenyi! His personality was refreshing, different from the cold distant Yi Chenyan.

    I could read a whole book on these two!

    thanks for the chapter <3

  3. It makes me so happy to read of Da Yu again, I’m glad. I hope he finds his happiness

    Thank you for the translation !

  4. Thanks for the chapter ~ omg this was so sweet I’m so happy that Da Yu was able to have his own happiness 😭💕💕

  5. Aww, glad that Da Yu met his mother again and led a happier life 🤗

    Wanted to read more about Mu Chenyi!

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. LOL I think tis book has the most side CPs.Im actully really interested in DaYu and MuChenYi..DaYu has the personality (at present) that I like in an MC

  7. Da Yu 😭❤️ I’m so glad you found your better place. You deserve it! Mu Chenyi, please take care of him! I wish there’s different story about them. I love Da Yu’s straight forward personality. He knows what he wants and not to regret

  8. Da Yu gets his happy ending, and finds someone. I am literally sobbing in tears of joy. He really deserved this plus I love Mu Chenyi’s personality as well as the dynamic between them. 🤧🤧

  9. “Also you, you’re so handsome so you must be the male lead, right?

    Da Yu, calmly breaking the 4th wall


  11. Wait, wait, wait, wait… so, in this world, An Yu had been separated from his family when he was 6 years old, and there were two routes? If he hadn’t been found in time, he would become the pitiful child Yang Anyu who then met General Yi, but in this timeline he had been found in time and went back to his family, thus become An shizi whom Da Yu ultimately transmigrated into? 😯 so essentially they’re just one and the same person, but they were born in the wrong era to meet their true love? (Considering Xiao Yu also didn’t harbor any romantic feelings towards General Yi) 😅