Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 67


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Translator's Note

in china, there are tons of dialects, so dubbing is required, and tbh dubbing is actually pretty common compared to literally everywhere else. I think you can look it up?

Translator's Note

This was in english lol

Translator's Note

little (maternal) uncle

Translator's Note

Mugi: This made me laugh so hard

Translator's Note

this term is usually used on females

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    • Right. Everyone was so “redeemable” with extreme plot that can take life accidentally. That poisoned drink can kill if treatment comes a second later, that explosion can kill if somehow accident occured, even when AnYu playing double, that wire hanging malfunction can kill if AnYu’s had microsleep and fall on his head. Everyone is so so saintly and can become buddy2 that I was actually baffled.

      It seems only Wu Shao is the unredeemable one since he is mad.

  1. Pfffttt! Baby YuYu! Did you just call Tang Xiao a lolicon hahahahahhahahah that took me by surprise XD

    Yi Chenyan, you’ve really been through a lot, we’re all glad that you finally have Yang Anyu by your side ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

    Thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  2. that was anticlimactic… I was expecting Chenyan to have gotten in a fight with Ke Qin and broken his legs as a lesson and everything else lol

    but I guess all’s well that ends well.thanks for the chapter <3

  3. Okay but, let me get this straight- Tang Xiao met a blind lil girl, bonded with her found out her dad is that star who got his legs ruined… then rando Wu Shao comes up and is like, ‘hey kid wanna know how he got these scars?’

    Tang Xiao angry, then decides to embark on a very long term and slightly convoluted plan of joining the entertainment world for revenge but doesn’t seem to consult the victim in question about the whole goddamn kidnapping thing in the first place? Of course Ke Qin might have lied to try save face or something but if he was really repentant he wouldn’t keep pushing this whole incident off onto ML knowing Tang Xiao wants to avenge (again still a bit weird ah) via various schemes. Like he could have said something right? This feels like an explanation that could have been explained ages ago.

    Ugh in short all these guys totes suck and I don’t really think Ke Qin or Tang Xiao should be redeemed tbh. Or at least hopefully they don’t show up anymore ah~

    …the kid was pretty cute tho

    • Yeah this one of the loopholes here ahh… Very anti climatic that this Tang Xiao was just a nobody third party who loves puting himself in others business.. he was pictured first as a prince charming… with wits however just these few chaps.. he is just plainly stupid

  4. Back to the fluff after that whacked out side plot! 😆

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  5. So it turns out that Yi Chenyan had such a sad past. Yang Anyu apologizing for being late was so sweet. I’m so glad they have each other now.

  6. Ah… awkward. Turns out I am so used to dark ML that I didn’t hesitate to pin the bad things on him. Sorry Mr yi and neighbor jiejie you are nicer than I thought 😌 but that betrayal was still awful, he was kinder than other MLs would have been. But like I can’t believe Tang Xiao did all this, like ke qin clearly didn’t want it yet TX kept going along with it. I don’t think I like how easily this was let go though 😕 not everyone is redeemable nor should they escape punishment even if it’s just a small punishment. IDK

  7. Wu Shao is scum, Ke qi is trash, and Tang Xiao is a stupid trash. Non of them are redeemable in my book. 😐

    • I agree, even the neighbour sister was trash and a horrible person in my opinion. Just because a criminal became a parent is a reason so he can be forgiven. In the end, Y Y was the one and truly victim of all of these.

  8. I knew this “YCY past” sidestory was gonna be bad. First, there was no reason for it to be so complicated since it had no relevance to the main plot and also because we met all the related people for just a few chapters and they will now be forgotten. The one who we did care about, Tang Xiao, had literally nothing to do with this. He stuck his nose in for no goddamn reason. This all just felt like unnecessary angst because the author wanted the novel to have some plot but didn’t know what to do with it.

  9. I thought Tang Xiao was someone important turns out he was just a third party to all this.. lol lesson learned never intervened in someone else business…

  10. that director liang reminded me of that certain young jiujiu from yunmeng 😂

    so we have two megaderes and a lolicon in the house 🤣

  11. Ok but sad backstory isn’t a reason for you to do shit. I want that Tang Xiao and Ke Qin jailed. Or at least get their filthy deeds known to the masses. Stealing someone’s songs and drugging/kidnapping aren’t just light offenses. You can’t justify it by saying that the victims are alright. I want them to be more ruthless.

    Also, Tang Xiao, you stupid ****. Stop being a fckin busybody and mind your own business 🤬