Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 66


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  1. So we finally got some backstory for Chenyan and everything he went through.

    Tang Xiao, sigh, you are just being used by that manager and probably even Ke Qin. You should have just sat there and ate your food.

    thanks for the chapter <3

  2. Tang Xiao is the biggest idiot here. He has a lot of ideas when it comes to scheming but it seems like his brain is not working properly at the right time.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  3. Woah, drugging and kidnapping – Tang Xiao you’ve reached another low 😠

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  4. Jesus Christ I thought Tang Xiao’s part in the story was just weird rival and that it was kinda stupid before this reveal, but now it’s even more stupid. That woman how terrible was she! She literally knew his mother, saw him grow up yet she still shacked up with someone who wanted to harm Senior Yi. Like the dude, I would expect him to betray Mr Yi, that’s how it usually goes. But god dang woman you knew his struggle, ugh! Too mad 😤😡😡 if he was a worse man you would have to worry about yourself, leg breaking is the least he could have done. That poor girl, she’s suffering from her parent’s bad karma.
  5. Dropping this novel, too much dog blood drama 😒. Can anyone reccomend me something like accidentally marked? Doesn’t have to be transmigration or ABO, as long at the plot is fluffy and there’s little drama im sold