Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 63


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  1. Anyone with a name starting with the letter K is not good =.= (based on my experience)

    Thank you for the dog food~ and the chapter~ (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

  2. Keith… When he said he likes Yang Anyu, it made me feel like all the warning bells in my body rang at once. This boi is pretty sus! Yi Chenyan! Your wifey might be in trouble!…. Again….

    Thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  3. This guy Keith…why I have the feeling that he’s the one who JZ was talking about and YC said to not mention him again? Of course it’s just a guess…

  4. This Keith guy the one ChenYan forbad Jiang from mentioning right? Huh. He must be the final plot point where they want to blackened and pulled ChenYan’s from his throne. Just you wait. Retribution is there for every single soul.

  5. Why does it feel like there are so many villains and problems and none of them are actually being dealt with?? Like what has been done on screen other than YA threatening that one girl?

    Don’t just add another villain until some progress has been made with the ones we got now.