Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 60


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  1. Kinda want an extra where the two Anyu’s switched places, I think that would also be interesting. Both on the brink of death and getting a second chance in the other’s body and loving Chenyan. 🤔

    I at least hope Da You has peace and happiness in the afterlife or his next life.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. They give me twin vibes than love vibes, so selfcest is a no for me😑. They just strike me as those tragic twins who were separated at birth, raised in different economic households only to meet later in life and one ends up in tragedy, the end.

  3. I have so many mixed emotions after reading this… I’m happy for Chenyan and Anyu and super sad for Da Yu and for the brother and angry at the dad and cries

    thanks for the chapter <3

  4. I was crying hideously then the author’s corner just had to mentioned self-cest. Now I am a hideous laughing-crying mess. May Da Yu find his own happiness. This world is too tiring for his poor soul.

  5. My heart is all pained over Da Yu 😭😭😭😭 omg I really hope he could find a happy ending for himself in another life

  6. This was an intense, turbulent chapter 😢

    Yi Chenyan, Yang Anyu and Da Yu: such lonely, lost souls.

    Thanks for translating this long chapter 💕

  7. Damn it, if I had a nickel for everytime I got tricked into shipping ancient ghost x modern reincarnation selfcest I would have three nickels, which isn’t a lot, but its weird that it happened thrice

  8. Ahhh 😭😭 😭😭 😭 Da Yu, you poor child. Let auntie hug you. Yang Peng spit spit awful beast why do you keep ruining everything. This chapter was not beautiful! It was pain! 😭

    But side note I still can’t tell if it’s the same soul or two different souls. Considering how Da Yu was as a child, maybe his spirit became incomplete somehow incomplete and that’s why YAY was there for Da Yu. IDK I’m guessing

  9. I really hope Da Yu can also havr his happy ending like I literally sobbed at these chapters, I love the dynamic between Xiao Yu and Da Yu. 😭😭

  10. I actually found it more reasonable now, if anyother thing it might be wrong, but Da Yu died giving up on everything and he left no burden on YAY to love YCY.

  11. Lmaoo selfcest! My eyes are tearing up and I will began to cry if I didn’t see author note, really lmao. Their love is as pure as holy water okay!🤣 btw

    I really love dayu and xiao yu interaction. I hope, HOPE, they can meet again in this life. And I hope they can have a really good life