Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 58.1


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Translator's Note

It’s always the ‘what could have been’ that makes me a bit :((

E/n: Well, that’s why there’s that thing called ‘first love’. Scenes like this always get to me. ToT

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  1. Awww I’m glad they solved their problems but my baby Anyu…. 😭😭😭

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. Huang Chuan and his backers – hope they get payback soon 😠

    Yang Anyu 😭

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. This story is perfect example of never put the mistakes of older generation towards younger generation. Like the existence of Yang AnYu (finally accepted by Yang Jue and Madam Yang when he literally had no say to his birth himself), like the existence of Qin Nuoxi (no matter what happened in the life of He mother, Nuoxi never know a thing), the marriage of Yang Peng and Mdm Yang (who knows the truth anymore, whether AnYu’s mother come first or whether the conceived AnYu process is consensual). Mistakes of the past should stay in the past and be a lesson. I am proud of Yang Jue’s character development!

    Now, where is my general ChenYan and when will my ball of sunshine wake up? 😢😢

  4. Their uncle is crazy, why suppress and undermine a singer in their company that has lots of fans and is capable of producing music that sells? Perfect money maker. All for another artist that clearly isn’t as popular? Unless Huang Chuan and Tang Xiao are sleeping with uncle Yang, I really don’t understand this mentality.

    • Maybe because of power struggles? You know in showbiz there’s no one irreplaceable unless it’s someone of Yi Chenyan’s caliber but even that just give it some time then people will quickly forget them if they weren’t appearing frequently.