Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 52


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Translator's Note

occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly

Translator's Note

specifically, wife’s older brother

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    • Alright I have my hunched for a while now and also reading some comments it tied this pieces… First noticed all Yang Anyu’s projects where all tied to him.. his first film with the seen reenactment from the day he died. Then the douxin where he was again a thief also together with chenyan again. Then the third project which was related to modern Anyu a good for nothing young master. Then this psychological aspects which is also he was currently experiencing. Plus his sickness I don’t know but now I just felt the modern and past Anyu is just the same.. he was experiencing suicidal thoughts before his accident that’s for sure. Plus Chenyan always take note of his wrist before I just thought he just have sadistic kinks but thinking now that’s not probably the case. So I think Anyu has split personality, him talking to himself in his conciousness, and his fear of disappearing are normally someone who has split personality.. they think they would disappeared if their other personality appeared.. this is my conclusion for now.
  1. Yang Anyu is acting weird. It looks like he’s hiding something important. Why does it feel like he’s afraid he will disappear???

    Thx for the chapter 😘

  2. Oh no, what if whatever happened with his fainting spell will get worse when he works in Blurred!? 😱

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. Is the current Yang Anyu the original one? We didn’t get his pov at all after the fainting spell, which is kind of suspicious, and the wish to stay even a little longer and obsessive adoration seems like something the old one would have.

  4. this got hella complicated

    seriously when he woke up after fainting i kinda thot it wasn’t our previously cutie but man what really happened

  5. I am feeling the angst! OMG! I am getting scared… Xiao Yu is acting weird Dx Something must have happened!!

  6. I’m feeling something is happening that I’m not aware of.. I even thought that present YAY came over or want to take over.. TvT

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ Happy New Year!!! 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  7. Woah, the character in Blurred is a bit too close to what Yang Anyu is experiencing. Hope it doesn’t trigger and set something off..

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  8. Yang Anyu was stunned. He stared blankly at Yi Chenyan. He really wanted to stay by this man’s side, wanted to stay for a little longer, just a little longer. — This, why does it seems like Xiao Yu going to disappear??!!

    “A male lead who is psychologically abnormal and warped, has suicidal tendencies, and has dual personalities?” After a simple understanding of the plot, Yang Anyu spoke as he looked at Fu Chengyuan who was sitting before him. “Director Fu, why do you think I’m very suitable for this role?”

    Why does this seems to be OG AnYu? ChenYan had repeatedly said about no more scars om AnYu’s wrist and always caressed said wrist. It seems like AnYu was once suicidal. I wonder if this film going to trigger AnYu with his episode again.

  9. Why do I feel as if the original goods has returned ? I’m worried for my puppy 😟 he better be safe. Original goods if it you, I thought you were pitiful but coming back to reap someone else’s work is a despicable thing to do. Otherwise this behavior is worrying

  10. “He really wanted to stay by this man’s side, wanted to stay for a little longer, just a little longer.”

    What does he mean about this? I’m suddenly feeling ominous

  11. Why does YCY keep checking YAY’s wrist again and again? It’s been mentioned many times before as well. Is YAY suicidal without knowing? Does he have episodes and forgets?

  12. though i did adore the cute, sunny xiao yu… i did feel a bit bitter that the original didn’t get to enjoy any of this(´。_。`)… but now im genuinely scared for both

  13. Why do I feel it’s more something like a split personality? .-. This Chenyan is clearly General Yi’s reincarnation rather than transmigration, so could it be that the OG Anyu was a direct reincarnation too? And rather than the current Anyu being the transmigrated soul, it was OG Anyu who had split his previous life and current life’s memories into two separate personalities? The hidden memory before his car accident could be the point that triggered him to split 🤔