Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 51


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Translator's Note

520 sounds like ‘i love you’ in chinese

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  1. Why do I feel like it’s the general !! I remember reading how he didn’t marry anyone after anyu died.

    Btw thanks for the chapter and Happy New Year..

  2. Ahhhh nooo!! That cliffy!! This whole chapter was so sweet, in the matter of fact, it was too sweet!! I’m now a little worried about the next chapter ( ꒦ິ^꒦ີ)

    Thanks for the chappie!! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  3. GASP I’m a little curious myself about how the general moved on from his death in his previous life, I mean, we already know that he never did marry in the end so… hm. I was wondering did the general like him or only saw him as a good brother and a trusted friend/subordinate.