Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 46


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Translator's Note

Wait wait why do i find this so cute. He sounds so petulant here

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  1. Yi Chenyan, you’re abusing your power again!

    Yang Anyu is smart. Stay away from that girl, but how about telling her straight up that you arent interested?

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. “Because there aren’t any handcuffs at the moment.” Yi Chenyan let out a low laugh. “Actually I want to cuff you, then blindfold you, then…” THEN FADE TO BLACK

  3. Ohh. Yang Anyu can’t act in kisses scenes anymore ? Isn’t that unrealistic?

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • It’s not the kiss scenes he can’t act in though. But *** scenes, which is normal i guess. Most dramas do use fade to next day scene.

  4. ” After a round of misunderstanding, Du Yiyin became interested in the unusual female cop. Relying on his above-average intelligence, he helped Qiu Yunxian solve vases while pursuing her.” He can’t solve vases with her xD he helped her solve “cases.”

    Lol the FL helping solve vases, “Du Yiyin, pass the super glue.”

  5. Well Yi Chenyan is resourceful and uses what he can 😆

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. Waa that a fade to black after a fade to black convo? That is v clever and hilarious lmao.