Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 45.2


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Translator's Note

袭爱29天. The title i used was more or less the direct meaning, cuz for some reason looking up 袭爱 gets me to ‘Love’ only. So it could also be called ‘Love For 29 Days’ weirdly.

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  1. Oho~ the little baby is starting to turn independent! Will the ‘daddy’ accept?

    I wonder what Jiang Ziqian meant by that…is he talking about his possessiveness? Thanks for the chapter~

  2. Ohohoho (ง ื▿ ื)ว baby Yuyu noticing the people around him are also having some progress in their own relationships. A little push and that two awkward people will soon realize ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

    Also, when Jiang Ziqian said that “- Chenyan, he actually isn’t that good.” I legit spat my drink out of excitement!

    Cant wait to know more about this side of Yi Chenyan tehee (*^ー^) good luck Yang Anyu

    Thanks for the Chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  3. There are two couples around there! I hope we see some chapters of them

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Oh boy, don’t you dare ruin your romance!

    Jiang Ziqian Is definitely planing something and I don’t like it.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Yang Anyu is cute when teasing Qin Nuoxi and Tang Guo about their other halves 😘

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. Oh so I am living a lie. ChenYan really could have a dirty, manipulative mind? I am talking about early chapter where someone said ChenYan had deeply hiding to seize Yang’s assets but I become like a brainless fan saying he is pure ah, this and that. 😅 I am ashamed.

    As expected, I really can’t geniunely like ent/showbiz.