Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 45.1


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Translator's Note

what medicine was being sold in his gourd

Translator's Note

yu as in Yu Siyuan

Translator's Note

counter soldiers with arms, counter water with an earth weir

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  1. I hope his plan backfired and he picked the wrong horse. More than likely, he was a jerk and hurt the horse and caused it to throw him off >->

    Who exactly is Tang Xiao?

    Thanks for the chapter+ <3

    • Tang Xiao is the other actor who’s been pairing with Yang Anyu, the one that’s been pretending not to have any sense of direction. He only appeared when he began participating in this show with Qin Nuoxi.

      • Yeah but for big brother Yang to say “Tang Xiao’s side hasn’t made a move yet.” Sort of leads me to believe he has a strong backer. Is it the uncle? 🤔

        I’m just throwing out questions so sound my fellow readers out xD

  2. Hahahha when Yang Jue receive a call about Yu Siyuan being injured, i imagine Yang Anyu being like that meme: “Call the Ambulance! -But not for me”

    I love how our MC is not a pushover and would be retaliate when needed, but would still be sweet and cute with hubby and friends.

    Thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  3. Prediction- yang anyu preformed well and yu siyuan tried to startle or otherwise antagonize his horse resulting in either his horse or yang anyu’s horse to hurt him. Alternatively he tries to directly attack and is countered.

  4. Hghh I hate family drama bcs it makes everything even more complicated 😑

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  5. Never been on a boat, but given that I have motion sickness I already feel nauseated

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  6. To controla fine steed, you need to know how to ride a horse..Yu Siyuan probably didn’t know and failed or tried to dig pits for Yang Anyu and the horse took off with him on the ground

  7. Ahhh. If Yang Anyu is fine, then Yu Siyuan can have all the accidents he wants.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. A lot going on – family politics + shenanigans from Yu Siyuan.

    Both Yang bro’s can handle it. One’s a hardened businessman & the other a military man 💪

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  9. So Tang Xiao made a call to Yu Siyuan and invited him to guest star in the show, gave inside information he had about game plan details and borrowed Yu Siyuan’s sword to rattle Yang Anyu?

    Either Tang Xiao’s backer or Yu Siyuan’s backer (both from the same company, probably Yang family uncles) pulled some strings to obtain this guest role. They’re even quite domineering with their attitude. No guest stars in previous episodes (not even Yi Chenyan) asked for preferential treatment like the right to pick the horse for oneself and also one’s opponent.

    I feel like they knew about the horse riding archery challenge, even before the film production. Yu Siyuan deliberately came in second last place because he wanted to team up with Tang Xiao against Yang Anyu. Otherwise, Tang Xiao giving a phone call in the last episode will not make sense.

    Also, the director didn’t reward the winning team for fashion show challenge because Yu Siyuan lost face. If he highlighted this event, Yu Siyuan and the agent Yan Feng would had made trouble with the production team. I bet the final edited episode will try to cut out those scenes.