Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 32


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  1. Yay – Yang Anyu in ancient costume!

    Yi Chenyan’s role as a pervert Prince sounds intriguing 🙄

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  2. Pfftt Su Qinja will be having a feast for her eyes! I feel jealous! I also want to see my cp act together (⁄ฅ⁄⁄ฅ⁄⁄)

    Thanks for the chappie ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  3. Yi Chenyan was willing to take the role of a pervert so he could get paid to watch Yang Anyu bathe. Right? This film emperor is rather amusing. Thanks for the update!

  4. Li Ye: A Pervert

    Yi Chenyan: Ah yes. The most suitable role for me. I’ll take it.

  5. LMAO.

    Had a feeling after he said pervert. Oh this is going to be golden. Ship building here the world comes.

  6. Film Emperor Yang: Apologies, I can’t understand what a fruit is saying.


    This small potato feels attacked. Even though potato is vegies.