Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 19


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Translator's Note

armed with guns and cannons, but it just means they brought out their ‘best weapons’

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  1. Ahhh double update!!

    Yi Chenyan and Yang Anyu are slow to realize they were both reborn.. but i am enjoying the slow process of them getting to know each other again!

    I dont really like the manager, but if he helps Yuyu be safe and not get taken advantage of, I’ll support him xD

    Thanks for the chapter <3

      • They didn’t specifically say that he was reborn, in chapter 15, they allude to it. (I went back to check lol) It was when Yang Anyu asks Yi Chenyan if they can be friends who always play together.

        “Yi Chenyan was startled and didn’t respond, but he used his fingertips to gently touch Yang Anyu’s face. In fact, he had seen this face a long, long time ago… ” So I am assuming he was also reborn!

        • I was thinking this long long ago is regarding this lifetime. I don’t know, maybe during his harsh initial days. Remember they said, he had to pay off the debt of his father. So I thought during that time, he and OG Anyu might have crossed path, being that Anyu had to street dance to sustain life. So I guess both had hard time. Because if he had general’s memories, he would have react when Anyu’s called general in the first meeting and also reacted in some ways when he realised Anyu’s is looking for a shadow of someone in him the first time they shared meal.

          • No. He said he saw the face in a dream and mentioned a courtyard. Nowadays its front yard, back yard or just yard. I dont think he’s reborn per say, just that he’s remembering a thing or two through his dreams

  2. It’s the first time Yi Chenyan is this kind and smiling towards Yang Anyu, it seems he’s really happy.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. A sweet reunion for them 🥰 They also get to work with one another – bonus! Thanks for the chapter 💕

  4. I’m looking forward to the time when Film Emperor Yi Chenyan’s icy facade melts. It can’t be healthy being so on guard all the time. Anyway! I’m excited for the movie and looking forward to what tricks the sabotaging actor will try. I also can’t wait until they find out they’ve both been reborn. Makes me wonder if Yang Jue and Qin Nuoxi have also been reborn? Thanks for the update!

  5. Oh my God…how is filming going to go down? How long until people suspect their relationship to be a bit strange?

  6. Yang Anyu had just started to speak when Qi Sen raised his hand to interrupt him, deeply saying, “Call me ‘Qi ge’.”

    We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

    “Hello Qi ge!”

    `Dfobgf Tjcu Ccse mbeiv gfjma, Kjcu Xeb gertfv ab rtbea atlr.

    Tang Guo x Qi Sen sounds much much healthier as second couple than YJ x Nuoxi tbh.

  7. YCY is awakening his memory i guess. Through dreams, he learns about his unrequited love of past that lasted for a lifetime and continued to this life also