Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 18


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  1. Aish. our film emperor wont admit to anything! Did he take on a role and is participating in the press conference just because if Yang Anyu?

    I’m glad Yuyu didnt sign with that other company!

    Thank for the chapter <3

  2. I find Qi Sen cute 😹 I just hope he’ll not make things too difficult for our Yang Anyu.

    Thank you for the update!

  3. Big brother got him the coldest manager ever on purpose? This Qi Sen is too strict!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Whaa they’re gonna be in the same movie production??

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  5. Fave line: “He was practically a portable aircon” 🤣 Manager Qi Sen is ‘cool’ lol. Yi Chenyan is also a secret fan boy of Yang Anyu 🤩 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. So cute! Yi Chenyan is cold on the outside, but soft and warm on the inside. But only for his husband, apparently. That line about Yang Jue’s simple and pure brother was hilarious. Yang Anyu is not simple, but he is rather pure. And compared to that Yu actor, he’s straightforward, optimistic, and open-minded. I bet he’ll do well. Thanks for the update!

  7. So that little trending tag is Chengyan’s doing. I had tiny tiny tiny glimmer of it being the brother but. Sigh.

    I am happy thought Chengyan slowly turning into megadere himself.

    Tang Guo did not know how to choose clothes either, but because Yang Anyu was younger than him and he was instilled with the mindset of ‘boys must be cute ah ’ by his mom, he hoped that Yang Anyu could wear more youthful and cuter clothes.

    If Tang Guo is the manager…… our cutie will have a hard time changing his image 😂

  8. Ahhh i’m enjoying this novel so muchh. Fil Emperor Yi! Quickly come out ba!! We missed seeing you softening because of your adorable wife mwehehehehe

    Thanks for the Chapter Baobaomei and Tintin 🥰

  9. Ah! Everyone pleased as punch for the new style and me over here 😭 crying because cute puppy/student aesthetic is sweeter. Ah ML I’m still not sure about you but you seem to be okay.