Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 17


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Translator's Note

the full idiom is engraved in one’s heart and carved in one’s bones. Having a deep impression of something forever

Translator's Note

seeing the words ‘eyes curved makes me think of stop bothering me emperor… ah i miss you

Translator's Note

green hat from one’s lover having an affair outside their relationship. With so many, it became a field.

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  1. Pfft his brother will die fo shock if his bro goes to a rival company lol

  2. Hghh the director should use different words to explain what he wants 🙄

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. Huacheng doesn’t have his film emperor, does it?

    I also like how he’s weary of people, its less likely to have him taken advantage of.

    thanks for the chapter <3

  4. Director Zhou thinks no one Will dare to bully Yang Anyu Thanks to his brother, but he can’t imagine that It’s his brother the one Who bullies him.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. So Director wants the cutie to lose weight and look thin and haggard 😔 Hope Yang Anyu’s OK and looked after if he gets role. Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. I think they’re supposed to be underweight because of their role and not because they’re fat. The director could’ve put it in a less insulting manner.

  7. Yang Jue! Please sign your brother before another company steals him! I’m so happy for Yang Anyu. It seems like he’s on his way to achieving his dream. Tha ks for the update.

  8. Oh my…

    Although, I do think the director isn’t so much fatshaming as trying to get a certain look from his actors and they need to lose weight to have a more hardened and for Anyu a more haggard and desolute lost look to him.

  9. I approve! Super approve! Approve will all my life for Anyu to join rival company!! No one can discredit him with cable accusation this way.

    “You’ve been eating too well recently ba . You can’t continue eating like this, or else you’ll soon be fat like a pig!”

    Cue distressed Chengyan ba~. He gonna has front view experience of Anyu starving himself~. Director Xu must be envisioning a team of twigs actors lol. Everyone is so fat 🤣.

  10. “Pomelo (the author): Constantly adding to Xiao Yu’s harem, the top of a certain film emperor’s head is simply a grassland ah hahaha”

    At least Yang Anyu is loyal to his husband, unlike some “gardener” in the QT district in this site. glance at the certain protagonist from a QT novel in CG who build a green roof of palace on top of his gong’s head