Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 16


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Translator's Note

i think everyone know’s what this is?

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  1. Yang Anyu is too pure for this world 😭😭 look at how much he cares about his friends, brother, and general.

    I hope Nuoxi will do the show and win! Yang Jue… I have my doubts about you.

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  2. Yang Anyu the secret fan boy 🤩 He’s so sweet! In yer face Yu Siyuan – Yang Anyu has more natural talent than you. Seems he’s being recognised for it and will benefit soon. Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. His secret admiration won’t remain a secret… Yang Anyu’s very transparent. Yi Chenyan will see it when he’s being stared at with those puppy eyes

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  4. Aw Nuoxi bb TvT)/ you can do it!! And YAY please say yes on the movie hahaha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  5. I think the navy mentioned pertains to what other Translators call water army. It’s basically paid keyboard warriors.

  6. Yang Anyu is such a good friend. But he’s unexpectedly rather innocent. I hope whatever Qin Nuoxi’s problems are, he can overcome them soon. As for Yang Anyu… stay innocent. You’ve got Big Bro and the Film Emperor looking out for you now. Thanks for the update!

  7. I just love people like Anyu. He won’t force his opinion on anything (unlike that entitled big brother), he just offered his support while reminding the other party of his true wish.

    I just want to see Anyu as silly little fan of Chengyan lol. I can read him acting silly in fan page all day long~. But it seems, opportunity finally knocked on his door. I just hope no more sabotaging from that whatever actor and manager hmm.

  8. You know what forget being an idol or an actor or a business man! Let him continue the road as a stunt double! He’s best at that n

  9. I like that anyu is making friends. A lot of bl is so centered in the couple that it bores me to death.

  10. Yes that’s right I think he suited better as an actor rather than an idol…. It fits his character

  11. I really like Yang Anyu’s personality. At first, bcs the synopsis said he’s a bodyguard, I expected him to be a boring and low eq (sorry) kuudere. But he’s actually bright and cheerful it’s refreshing.