Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 11


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  1. It’s great that Yang Anyu is an optimist despite hardships from past life and the coldness from his present relatives. Ambiguous connection between Chief Yang and Qin Nuoxi? Thanks for the chapter 💕

  2. Ohhh. Is the brother that kind of man? He applies the unspeakable rules to his artists?

    Yang Anyu has a love rival!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Ohhhhh. Yang Jue, please be a good big brother. If you’re trying to woo Qin Nuoxi like this, even Shen Donghao would have a better chance. I am very curious about Qin Nuoxi’s background though. Thanks for the update!

  4. lol i knew it there was definitely some sort of ceo’s-wife’s-path-to-the-peak web novel happening in this world

  5. Awwww Qin having friendsssss! I love how Yu is such an optimist! Fresh of breath air and not pounded into your face-but it seems natural! Love it! I love that he’s scolding big bro in his heart. Li with his thoughts be nice. Savage!Qin :O :3 Wow.

  6. Ah, so Yang Jue is that type of boss? If so, I can continue hating him with ease.

    I had to say, thankfully our Anyu is that ball of sunflower that can always look up facing the up and above sun. Life is really being jerk to him atm.

  7. Since childhood, though there were sad and difficult moments, he would always talk himself around and find joy in sorrow. Even if he had enormous worries, he only needed a night’s sleep to recover.

    Bruh, how to be Yang Anyu? I need it


  8. I got a feeling that Ah Yu’s brother would be having second thoughts about Qin Nuoxi… And I quite don’t like him either 🤷 so, yeah…

  9. This Qin and Jue’s relationship looks like some cliché novel that has a scum male lead and a protagonist that became cold and a bit op after so much hardships lol