EmbersCh12 - A Small Grove

translator: daisy

Xing Ye walked up and looked straight into his eyes. Whm0Ts

Sheng Renxing was born with shallow lacrimal glands. As such, during times of agitation, he would easily shed tears. This time, however, he felt slightly ashamed and wanted to hide his face, but could not do so under Xing Ye’s careful scrutinization. Not wanting to back down first, he forcefully redirected his gaze and stared back.

Xing Ye wasn’t exactly sure himself why he had followed Sheng Renxing. Maybe it was because he had glanced at him in the office that time.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

As a result of that glance, Xing Ye didn’t go with Wan Guanxi and the others, instead choosing to wait outside the office.

But when Sheng Renxing walked out, he was so overcome with emotion that he didn’t notice Xing Ye. doYbEM

And so Xing Ye followed.

Xing Ye: “I won’t fight you.” He lowered his head and glimpsed at Sheng Renxing’s hand. The skin around his knuckles was broken, and fresh blood was leaking out, showing just how much force he had applied.

“How are your hands?”

“Who are you looking down at?” Sheng Renxing was irritated by Xing Ye’s behaviour.


Seeing that Xing Ye was about to grab his hand, Sheng Renxing immediately raised it and dodged with an upwards motion, accidentally hitting Xing Ye’s shoulder.

Xing Ye tilted his body. Looking down at the blood stains on his school uniform, he clicked his tongue. It looked like he’ll need to wash his clothes again tonight.

He raised his hand, and unzipped his school uniform. Xing Ye took it off, threw it aside, and looked at Sheng Renxing, “Do you want to fight?”

His response was a fist relentlessly swung towards his face without an ounce of mercy. pnlCL6

So just after Sheng Renxing was called in to receive a lecture for his fighting, he began a second round with Xing Ye.

The scene of the fight was much smaller than before, but Sheng Renxing couldn’t help but feel even more ill at ease.

Xing Ye didn’t fight back, and merely blocked and dodged his blows, occasionally parrying him from time to time.

What should have been an invigorating, all out fight between both parties had turned into a pile of slow moving mush because of Xing Ye, and the fire inside of Sheng Renxing was nearly extinguished. jQgqyF

The two went from fighting vertically to fighting horizontally on the ground.

Just before Sheng Renxing lost all his energy, he firmly pressed onto Xing Ye’s shoulder with his palm and elbow, pushed the other party onto the ground, and gritted his teeth: “Are you a fucking sparring partner I hired?”

In response to Sheng Renxing’s aggressive questioning, Xing Ye still looked the same, glancing up without a change to his expression.

Sheng Renxing wanted to explode with anger, but found that he couldn’t muster the curse words to spew forth at Xing Ye. It felt like smashing a firecracker only to find that it was defective and couldn’t explode at all. Fme7db

He stared at Xing Ye for a while. Then, Sheng Renxing let go, rolled over, and laid on his back.

He gasped for breath.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

All his energy was spent, and his emotions started to calm down.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wlcu Tf uba eq jcv rja cfza ab tlw. Geralcu boo atf vlga bc tlr ybvs, tf cevufv tlr tfjv ja Vtfcu Efczlcu: “Valii kjca ab oluta?” WgQBqo

Mgbw Vtfcu Efczlcu’r qfgrqfmalnf, tf mbeiv rff Wlcu Tf’r pjk ilcf jcv j rwjii wbif bc atf rlvf bo tlr cfmx.

Wlcu Tf’r rmjaafgfv tjlg rkjsfv yjmx jcv obgat jwlvra tlr wbnfwfcar.

He stared at the mole in a daze. Xing Ye’s eyes were lighter, like amber wrapped in obsidian, and when Xing Ye focused on people, he looked like a cheetah on the grassland.

There was a clarity in his eyes that only revealed itself in the unruly. DhpLHF

Sheng Renxing huffed angrily at him: “Go hit a cock.”

Was this even called fighting? It should be called boxing practice; even playing with punching bags was better for calming the heart than this.

Sheng Renxing’s previous anger seemed to disappear without a trace, and was inexplicably replaced by another, different kind of emotion.

Xing Ye looked at him and smiled: “Indeed.” FaRzw2


Sheng Renxing was stunned to realize that he was calling himself a cock, but by the time of the realization, he already had lost the best window of time for a counterattack.

He silently compared his middle finger to Xing Ye.

The bell rang again, and neither of them knew if it signified the start or end of class. 1DuCiZ

Today has really marked a great start for Sheng Renxing’s upcoming campus life.

He got up and patted the dust on his body. Sheng Renxing then turned his head and looked at Xing Ye: “I said that I was the one who made the first move…”

“?” Xing Ye looked at him.

Sheng Renxing furrowed his brow: “What’s with your expression?” 86vfDF

Xing Ye seemed to just realize what he was talking about, and muttered an “oh” to save the situation in a roundabout manner.

Sheng Renxing stared at him: “…You didn’t come for your friend?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xing Ye: “No.” He appeared rather disgusted at the prospect.

“?” Sheng Renxing looked at him, and wanted to ask why Xing Ye came here otherwise. oEb8dy

After blinking a few times, he didn’t ask in the end. Sheng Renxing followed Xing Ye’s example and said nonchalantly, “Oh, well I’m going back to class.”

On the way back, the two went one after the other. Xing Ye followed him from behind as they walked back to the academic building. Only then did Sheng Renxing look back at him: “Is your classroom this way?”

Xing Ye shook his head and pointed in the opposite direction.

“?” Sheng Renxing made an uncertain face. pEfnPU

Xing Ye calmly replied: “It’s easier to climb the walls over here.”


Back in the classroom, class had already started.

The teacher was stunned when he saw him, and then smiled: “This is the new classmate, right?” 1T4gz9

Sheng Renxing nodded: “Hello teacher.”

“Mn, quickly go and sit down.”

“Thank you.”

Sheng Renxing was well-behaved and polite, without a trace of the domineering aura of someone who threw a kick midway out the window at someone. 98qXOo

But in the eyes of his classmates, they could no longer forget how Sheng Renxing had acted before.

The curious eyes all quietly withdrew a little.

Sheng Renxing sat down at his seat.

Chen Ying turned his head and handed him his book. Taking this opportunity, he asked, “What did Baldy Li do to you?” UMFdJ2

The fat student next to him also quietly shifted his body to eavesdrop.

“…” The question was asked as if Sheng Renxing had just come out of the Cave of the Silken Web.

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Sheng Renxing replied with a good temper: “Nothing much.”

Chen Ying nodded in relief, and sighed: “I didn’t expect that one day I would actually be able to fight with Wan Guanxi and the others.” After speaking, he sighed again. m5fWlc

Sheng Renxing remembered that these two had fought alongside him, and hesitated to say something to comfort them.

After all, they are different from him, and one of them even knows his uncle.

Chen Ying’s brow twitched: “From then on, I, Chen Ying, is also someone with a name in this school!”

“?” Sheng Renxing momentarily didn’t understand what he was talking about. di x5l

The fat student next to him stared at the teacher with his eyes bright and nodded fiercely.


Sheng Renxing swallowed back the words of comfort hovering at the edge of his tongue.

“Xiao Qiang, why are you nodding? Do you know how to do the question now? Come, come up and show it to everyone.” QNEdPv

The fat student’s face rapidly morphed itself into one of horror.

Chen Ying also hurriedly turned back, bowing his head in a serious manner.

Sheng Renxing looked at them speechlessly, opened the textbook, and then found that he did not know which page it was on.

He knocked on Chen Ying’s chair: “What page?” yA43tL

The person in front of him looked up from his phone and asked his tablemate: “What page are we on?”

Sheng Renxing:“…”

In the end, the teacher heard their questioning and reminded them with a good temper: “Turn to page 37.”

Chen Ying turned his head: “Page 37.” uIiEDM

Sheng Renxing: “…Thanks.”

They were in an English class, and he had already learned the material that the teacher was explaining.

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He propped his hand on his chin and stared at the borrowed pen from Chen Ying that was being twirled between his fingers.

Sheng Renxing thought about why Xing Ye had come to find him, and the fight they had within the small grove. sORdVB

As he thought about it, he remembered the way he had thrown the first punch towards him out of misplaced anger, and the way Xing Ye fought without striking back.

The pen flew out of his hand.

Sheng Renxing glanced at the teacher and lowered his head. Taking out his phone, he sent a text message to Xing Ye: [Sparring partner, let’s have dinner together? ]

He quickly got a reply: [In a bit?] 4UC15d

Sheng Renxing was stunned. He originally thought they would meet up in the evening: [Sure. ]

He sent another message: [You choose the restaurant.]

Xing Ye: [See you at the school gate. ]

Sheng Renxing looked at the phone and curled his lips. He wanted to send Xing Ye an emoticon, but there were none within the messaging app. Regrettably, Sheng Renxing created one himself and ended up with something that looked a smiling face: [^v^] EvBw3y

He placed his phone back into the desk and started to twirl the pen again. The pen was spinning in different patterns, and the speed was fast as a top.

Immediately after, there was a humming noise from the vibrations coming within the desk.

Sheng Renxing was taken aback and took out his phone.

Xing Ye: [ovo] aQf39D

daisy: hehe head empty no thoughts just that these two are so cute 0v0

Translator's Note

A reference to one of the trials that the main characters in Journey of the West have to undergo. There are powerful spider spirits who live within these caves that have the ability to shapeshift into beautiful women. They entice their victims with this act to consume their flesh, and one of the characters nearly dies within the process. So Chen Ying is implying that Direction Li sent him on death’s door with their discussion.

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  1. They kinda remind me of Gu Fie and Jiang Cheng for how easily they fight and make up.

    They are so cute~ ovo

  2. omg they are so adorable >.< that ovo was so unexpected but sooo cute <3 thanks for the great translation!!