Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 168


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  1. Lmaooo🤣🤣🤣. Gu-xianzhang still doesn’t know the word jealousy 🤭🤭. Him eating vinegar is soo cute❤️😘

  2. Haha ML just admit you’re jealous ah…

    Lol the disciples and cute.

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. The magic of Shi Qing’s influence; beating people up, making other people get beat up, or making people want to beat him up 🙂

  4. They’re probabaly feeling something like: Worried-because-my-sons-didn’t-go-home-after-school-so-called-the-police-only-to-find-them-at-a-party.jpeg

    Phew. That was long

  5. Ah…the disciples getting caught reminded me of the John Mulaney “the one thing you can’t replace” skit 😂😂

    Thank you for translating this novel!