Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 167


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  1. Ye Zi is just hilarious 😂

    Sorry autor a lot of autors did that so I hope that you are not one of them

    I love your novel trully

    Thank you for the chapter

  2. ML, chanting: I’m doing this to keep my shidis from the claws of Shi Qing.

    Shidis: !!! Little Shishu is keeping Shi Qing from us?

  3. !!!! so the “final boss” SQ was talking about will really appear??! in such a short while?? ehehe. can’t wait to see hoe that will turn out.

    Thank You For The Chapter ♡♡♡

  4. …I don’t know if it’s Shi Qing who learned from the author, or if it’s the author that learned from Shi Qing haha.