Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 154


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  1. XDDDDDDD Why is Song Dage’s focus on Shi Qing’s gaze at this stage ah? This 1000-year-old Vinegar Jar has never failed to make me laugh myself to tears~

  2. Being bald as the price? I think Shi Qing would prefer to become a zombie instead 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Thank you for the chapter.

    ML, your vinegar eyes really blinded you.shouldn’t you be seeing that SQ is looking at that shiny egg instead?

  4. (⊙o⊙)? Why is balding always the price??? Does the vine eat hair?? Does SQ have to do 100 pushups, 100 situps, and run 100 km to be cured???? SQ, this vain bastard…I think he would rather just become a zombie… Thanks for the chapter lolololol

  5. Isn’t this way too unscientific?!?! First he wasn’t a woman, then his hair was actually living thing, now he’s bald????

  6. Wait, so the first thing that touched and was able to touch Zhou Xuanxuan’s tail was…a ‘mutated plant’?…hehehe.

  7. ah xuanxuan’s been a “never let them know your next move” kind of guy from the start, but im surprised that im still surprised 😭