Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 151


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  1. Shi Qing: Ah, Song Xiabing is one of my people. (but only for the resources… teehee) 🙂

    Song Xiabing: *Angry, beats people up.

    Song Family: …..

    Also Shi Qing: They’ll never know the truth. I would feel sad, but heehee.

  2. i’m just loving how ML takes his anger out on other people whenever “straight MC” is hopeless

  3. Shi Qing: has ‘Incurable’ straight man sickness

    Song Xiabing: acts pitiful

    Shi Qing: unmoved

    Song Xiabing: I’m so pitiful, wuwuwu… Beats up Song family aggressively while crying

  4. I don’t understand their interactions but they’re funny

    Thanks for the chapter ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Thanks for the chapter, Shi Qing is most likely going to make Song Xiabing vomit blood on a daily basis what with his straight character persona and one shot kill comments lol

  6. Song Xiabing situation was so funny it was like you was angry so much at your wife but you can’t do anything about it 🤣🤣

  7. Why do I feel like both Shi Qing and Song Xiabing are walking red flags if they were real people but they feel so cute and wholesome??????