Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 150


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Translator's Note

妲己 – This was brought up a few chapters ago but Daji is a concubine that basically took up all of the King of Zhou’s time and led to the end of a dynasty

Translator's Note

胭脂虎 – A Song dynasty official had a wife who had beautiful features but also a vicious temper. Her husband cowered before her and had to seek her opinion on matters of state. That’s why the common folk gave her the nickname ‘rouge tiger’ after the cosmetics she used

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  1. Wahahaha its so funny how SXB vent out his anger then acting pitiful.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Thanks for the chapter 😊 I really wonder how Shi Qing will completely get together with the ML in the arc since his character is completely straight. I already know it’d most likely gonna surprise me lol

  3. If i were the bros,i would also shake my head.he got quite a short fused wife(then i will be ahocked to shivers once i FIND OUT MY BIG BRO IS ACTUALLY THE WIFE) 🤣