Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 147


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  1. I kinda feel sorry for SXB… being manipulated and angered by SQ to the point of spewing blood all because of his straight man act… Thank you for the chapter 😖

    • It’s his own fault. Did you forget that SXB planned to seduce SQ and then kill him after he’s done having fun with him? Not SQ’s fault that his “seduction technique” is more profound than SXB’s even as a homophobic steel straight man.

  2. How mad do you actually have to be to actually advance… jeez poor ML

    It’s actually a wonder how SQ hasn’t given any stress or heart related disease to the MLs until now

  3. I would normally feel a bit bad if it was an actual straight man in that situation, but I think we all know Shi Qing was purposefully trying to get this to happen. I just wish he would have made the ML drink a little less vinegar.

  4. With how many times Shi Qing pissed him off, Song Xiabing will be the strongest man on earth at the end of this arc (≧▽≦)

    Thank you for the translation! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

  5. That’s what you get from pissing your man off Shi Qing😂 Anyways you love it. 😂

    Thank you for the chapter 💞

  6. He’s about to pour a loooot of rage into that man’s chrysanthemum. Good luck SQ 👍🏻

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  7. “He literally advanced a level out of sheer rage” – that line just killed me. I love it.

    Thanks for the chapter!