Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 145.1


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  1. Thanks for the chapter, doesn’t seem to have very many comments, normally there’s 10 or 12 before me so maybe everyone’s just late lol

  2. So the question is, will SQ ruin things on purpose, or will it continue on. Black lotus ML haha

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. It’s nice to see both of their plans succeeding. Shi Qing is probably crying on the inside though, wondering why the ML hasn’t jumped him yet haha.

  4. Lmfao how I wish I was also a treasured canary!!!! Before, I wanted a lover like our ML here who would protect me… Now I want Shi Qing’s version of sugar daddy. :))

    Welp. Thank you for the chapter btw!!! <3

  5. Shi Qing’s outfit: wife beater.

    I had to google it to see what it was – the results were unpleasant. 🥲

    Do not forget to add “clothes” or “costume” when searching.

    — it’s a short, racerback sleeveless top or vest

  6. …….Its a trap bro!!Don’t fall for it😭he cannot go ooc for being super straight so its gonna be juicy angst for you,ML