Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 143


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  1. Thanks for the chapter! I hope we can get some fanart of either that scene or Rain’s mini theater (or else I might take it upon myself), since I kinda have a hard time picturing that room of Shi Qing’s in particular as well as his clothes. (What’s a wife beater?)

  2. 👁👄👁 the fact you actually used wife beater instead of tank top…

    Thanks for the chapter~!

  3. Song Xiabing : you’re supposed to be homophobic….

    Shi Qing : well no matter, cool is cool 🙂

    System : seems like the host enjoyed this world….

  4. Song Xiabing: grips tail

    Shi Qing: “Fuck me!”

    Me: Trust me, he wants to.

    Thank you for the translations! 😋😋

  5. I think ML will become a sadist at this rate. He might do a little more than this. I don’t think he is the type that would let himself suffer a loss at all 😂

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  6. “Why are you such a pain in the ass? You’re as spoiled as a woman.”

    HAHAHAHA Suddenly remember the arc where he act in pain in a tiniest touch 🤭

    Shi Qing shamelessness raise another level HAHAHA

    Also thanks for the chapter as always …

  7. Ay least their physique this time nearly looks the same lol mc is tol & buff. Even aesthetic sense is wowza ( ≧艸≦)

    Mc’s personality this time is also somewhat diff & refreshing ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و

  8. Shi Qing was indeed as straight as an iron rod. AS. STRAIGHT. AS. AN. IRON. ROD !!! are you sure you’re talking about Shi Qing?😂

  9. I am sorry, Shi Qing it was my fault. It was me. I was foolish enough to think being straight will hold you back.

    It just made you more shameless lol I can’t hahahaha