Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 141.2


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  1. Shi Qing: Holy shit! I never expect that! This girl is more beautiful than me and yet he’s bigger than me too. This is unfair!

  2. Looking forward to Shi Qing having to act like he hates it while inwardly thinking obscene thoughts.

  3. I feel like Shi Qing knows and that’s why he’s acting like that HAHAHA

    He want SXB to get revenge in that way hehe

  4. Ah and here I thought this was his chance to shed his straightness

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. ohhhhh, I really wanna here how all this gets resolved. With the ML wanting to “torture” Shi Qing, how will he (ML) try to fix the relationship once he (ML)’d been completely hooked by Shi Qing and falling head over heels?

    or, will Shi Qing ‘assist’ him in making better choices for the sake of their harmonious future?

    Thank you for translating (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

  6. For once, I wish ML didn’t get things done his way. If only Shi Qing plans ahead on how to make ML jealous after capturing his heart so this could get a bit more dramatic but still ends on a happy note. But I guess not 😖 Thanks for the chapter 👍🏻🌹

  7. what a powerful plot twist that made the ML shock and caught off guard for a second, and so was I 😂meanwhile Shi Qing knew this all along-

  8. Baby song. Have you ever heard of the saying that says that the more homophobic u act, you’re more likely to be a deep closet?