Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 138.1


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Translator's Note

江家军 – They’re not really related to the Jiang family. They’re the forces led by Jiang Bieyu

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  1. So Jiang Bieyu’s goal of imprisoning Shi Qing in a golden cage never changed 😂 As expected of the ML he never fails to achieve his objectives 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  2. If only he could hear his precious Qing-Ed’s thoughts lol

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. Is it only me or i see a prince charming image? Jiang Bieyu is really working hard to get his Oing-er

    Thank you for the chapter

  4. I was screaming awwww when JBY said he believe SQ won’t create a harem, but then the last few paragraphs happen and I’m scared (๑´•.̫ • `๑)

  5. Well.. that was his objective since the beginning so im not surprised lol.

    Thanks for the chapter

  6. Awww, well- ain’t that just lovely?

    Thank you for the chapter and don’t worry- you’re good!! Take care~

  7. So he basically just upgraded the golden cage? As expected, ML might have a blackhole in his head but he is stubborn with his goals.

    Thank you for the chapter!